Formula Rush (Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA)

  • Download count 615
  • Pageviews 1203
  • Unique foldername R2F1
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Release date 2023-08-23
  • Version from
  • Version 1.0
  • RVW-ID 37863
  • Category
  • Score
    86/100 (3 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Conversion
  • Engine Glow
  • Transmission 4WD
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight 1.2 kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This is a quick side-project when I was in the middle of making the Midway track from Rush 2 to RVGL.

    It also had 11 skins & custom motor sound. Good for flat tracks, but not so much off-road, because it's a formula 1 car after all.

1 comment on “Formula Rush (Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA)

  1. And me that I made the skin for Wildstar, based on this very car, with me having zero clue you were making this.

    If this is not prediction, I don’t know what is. Oh I have to grab this for sure.


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