Challenge 1: Make a screenshot showing you finished a 3-lap Singleplayer race with RC-Bandit on Toys in the Hood 1. RC Bandit must be visible, as well the final times of all AI cars. It does not matter against how many AI-opponents you drive (1-15), or if pickups are ON or OFF. For the final ranking all the times will be ranked by total time. The fastest Re-Volter will get 5 points, the second-fastest 3 points, and everyone else 1 point.
Challenge 2: Make a screenshot showing you beat the 00:33:000 on Room 12×16 with AMCO TC. For the final ranking, all the submitted laptimes will be ranked by time. The fastest Re-Volter will get 10 points, the second-fasted 8 points, everyone else 5 points.
Challenge 3: Make a screenshot showing you are about to catch Toys in the Night’s Practice mode star with Turbo Wrench. (Angle/view do not matter). If you have catched the star before already, create a new Re-Volt profile so you can catch the star again. Every person who submitted the screenshot will get 10 points for the final ranking.
Challenge 4: Make a screenshot where it’s visible you won a 1-lap Singleplayer race with RV Loco on Cliffside. It does not matter against how many AI-opponents you drive (1-15, as long they are also Semi-Pro cars) or if pickups are ON or OFF. For the final ranking, all the total times will be ranked by time, DECREASING. This means the Re-Volter with the slowest total time will get 15 points, the second-slowest 10 points, and everyone else 5 points.
Challenge 5: Make a screenshot showing you are about to catch ToySoldierz (Reversed Version) Practice mode star. It does not matter which car you used. (Angle/view do not matter). If you have catched the star before already, create a new Re-Volt profile so you can catch the star again. If you can’t find the star, make a random screenshot showing you on the track, without the star visible. Every person who submit a CORRECT screenshot (WITH or WITHOUT the star) will get 15 points for the final ranking.
Challenge 6: Make a screenshot showing the Lego Cup’s final result, showing you reached podium with Phat Slug. Phat Slug must be visible on the screenshot. For place 1 you get 20 points, place 2 will get you 15 points, and place 3 is worth 10 points.Challenge 7: Make a screenshot showing your personal Nahesa skin. ALSO please upload the skin itself, together with the screenshot. You can either use the included Nahesa skins as a base and edit it as you wish, or you use the included paintkit, if you have the knowledge how you can use it. If you need help in how creating a skin in Re-Volt, please ask in one of the several Re-Volt related Discord servers. ( Submitting the screenshot and skin is worth 25 points.Challenge 8: Make a screenshot showing you beat the 00:23:00 with Nahesa on Botanical Garden. Your personal Nahesa skin must be visible on the screenshot. For the final ranking, all the submitted laptimes will be ranked by time. The fastest Re-Volter will get the 30 points, the second-fasted 25 points, and everyone else 20 points.Challenge 9: Art contest “Re-Volt, 1999”: Make a screenshot only showing Re-Volt stock-content. The screenshot can show a single car, or more cars. The track does not matter, as long it’s one of the stock tracks. You can use a picture editing program to crop/rotate the screenshot, and you can also manipulate the screenshot in any other way. Also adding text or other graphical elements is allowed. Re-Volt World users will vote for their favourite submissions, after the deadline. The best picture will get 30 points, the second-best 25 points, and every other submitted picture 20 points.Challenge 10: Make a screenshot showing you were able to catch at least 10 stars at Train Stunts. It does not matter which car is visible on the screenshot. If you have collected stars in this Stunt-Arena before already, create a new Re-Volt profile so you can begin again from zero. Catching all the 35 stars is worth 35 points, for 34 stars you get 34 points, and so on.Challenge 11: Make a screenshot where it’s visible you won the 10-lap Singleplayer race with Sunny Boy on Appalachian RC. Please make sure you race against 7 opponents (8 total cars), and you have pickups DISABLED. For the final ranking, all the total times will be ranked by time. The fastest Re-Volter will get 40 points, the second-fasted 35 points, and everyone else 30 points.Challenge 12: The README-Puzzle: (1) Download the following tracks Readme-files: Spa-Volt 1 by Kiwi, PetroVolt by Gabor, Human by hilarious6. Please note that in all the following steps it’s not stated which Readme files you have to use. (2) Note down the 9th word in line 57 (3) Note down the number in line 34 (4) Look in line x and note down the first word, where x is the number you noted down in step 3. (5) Look in line y and note down the second word, where y is the number you noted down in step 3. (6) Take the last number from line 250, and substract 2000. Note down what you get. (7) Look in line z and note down the third word. Remove the three special characters included in the word. z is the number you got in step 6 (8) Combine the words from Step 4, Step 2, Step 5 and Step 7. Create a README.txt file including the sentence you will get, and submit it. The correct sentence will reward you with 40 points.Challenge 13: Unlock the secret car included in Skating Toys Redux /levels-folder. Make a screenshot showing you found the tracks hidden area, and make another screenshot showcasing the secret car on Skating Toys Redux. For this challenge you are allowed to use DEV-mode and/or the TVTIME cheat. Submitting both screenshots is worth 50 points.Challenge 14: Make a screenshot showing the Dash Cup’s final result, showing you reached place one by using Llag Sat. Llag Sat must be visible on the screenshot. Solving this challenge is worth 60 points.Challenge 15: “The Frosty Challenge”: Use the Hood Winter Frontend, start a Multiplayer lobby with only yourself, naming yourself “Frostbitten”. Choose the car “Frostbite” and the track “Frostbite”. Write something funny in the chat. Re-Volt World users will vote for their favourite submissions, after the deadline. The best picture will get 70 points, the second-best 60 points, and every other submitted picture 50 points.Challenge 16: Make a screenshot showing your Wildstar skin. ALSO please upload the skin itself, together with the screenshot. You can either use the included Wildstar skins as a base and edit it as you wish, or you use the included paintkit, if you have the knowledge how you can use it. If you need help in how creating a skin in Re-Volt, please ask in one of the several Re-Volt related Discord servers. ( Re-Volt World users will vote for their favourite submissions, after the deadline. The best skin will get 75 points, the second-best 65 points, and every other entry 55 points.Challenge 17: Make a screenshot showing you beat the 00:34:00 with Puma on Cliffside Court. For the final ranking, all the submitted laptimes will be ranked by time. The fastest Re-Volter will get the 80 points, the second-fasted 70 points, and everyone else 60 points.Challenge 18: “The Submarine Challenge”: Download the car with RVW-ID 17367 and use it on the track with RVW-ID 31436. Drive to the only area on the track, where the challenge title make sense, and take a picture. Submitting a correct screenshot is worth 80 points!Challenge 19: Make a screenshot showing you were able to catch all the 64 stars at School’s Stunts!. It does not matter which car is visible on the screenshot. If you have collected stars in this Stunt-Arena before already, please create a new Re-Volt profile so you can begin again from zero. Completing this challenge is worth 90 points.Challenge 20: If you are able to complete all the this years Summer Challenges, you truly deserve another 100 points! Well done!
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