- Download count 390
- Pageviews 856
- Unique foldername AM-BioDecimator
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
Based on
DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
- Release date 2018-03-26
- Version from
- Version
- RVW-ID 16761
- Category Pro Car
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction Original
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction
- Track difficulty
- Track length m
- Reverse version available?
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
It's a year late, here goes anyway!
**This car is only usable with RVGL**
Meet the all new, for 2017, American Motors Bio Decimator. It brings the in-your-face type of performance your grandma wishes you didn't have. It gives the heart-pounding performance your rice-racing friends all desire. And finally, it's the newest model added to the AM-Bio line-up.
AM-Bio: Don't let the car drive you. You drive the car.