- Download count 765
- Pageviews 1652
- Unique foldername AquaVolt
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2008-09-26
- Version from
- Version
- RVW-ID 3479
- Category Standard Track
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction
- Track difficulty
- Track length 509 m
- Reverse version available? No
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
There is a Redux version of this track, which you can get here.
Made from scratch in 3d Studio Max using modified textures from acclaims Re-Volt Toyworl Levels. All Other textures mad and modified by Skitch2.
It Has been a while since i made a level and I realy enjoyed it. I have been off sick from work with flu so it gave me pleny of time to build it. The Max work for this track took 5 days and 2 days in Makeitgood. Well Its just a follow on from where acclaim left off realy, a toyworld track with a sealife center theme.
Install as usual. just extract the zip to blahh blahh blahh...
If your new to this sorry. youll get the jist.
More will follw over the winter and Keep on Re-Volting you Re-Volting Lot!!!!
Do any of you read these any more??? I could probably say what i like and youll never know... mwahahaha evil grin.