- Download count 983
- Pageviews 2810
- Unique foldername beehivevalley
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2019-06-07
- Version from 2023-09-30
- Version 1.2b
- RVW-ID 2109
- Category Stunt Arena
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction Track Editor+ (Lego Extreme)
- Track difficulty
- Track length m
- Reverse version available? Select an Option
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
- Big stunt arena with 5 different areas to explore
- 1 car and 1 boat included
- Meet several sexist talking and cursing characters
- Collect 64 diamonds and solve other quests
- 2-5 hours of play time, depending on your skill
- A lot of customizations (sounds, moving objects,...)
- Oldschool soundtrack by Heatley Bros
- The vehicles are based on cars by Kipy.
- Timothy is based on a character made by Kipy.
- Some of the textures are courtesy of DC.All.
- Music by Heatley Bros. https://www.youtube.com/user/HeatleyBros
- Wolly's Boat:
- Timothy's Car:
- Bruno's Quest:
RVGL 20.0210a (or newer) required!
You know Conker, Banjoo-Kazooie, Croc or Gex? You think it is not possible to turn Re-Volt into a late 90's 3D platformer?
Beehive Valley Adventures is a homage to the games of my youth and everything inside this map comes right out of my diseased brain - which was maybe caused by exact this games?
Choose either Timothy the Mouse or Wolly the Sheep and start your adventure today! Pick up diamonds in Hedgehog Hills. Meet a naked water nymph in Fairy River. Collect magic mushrooms at the Mushroom Mountains. Perform crazy boat-jumps in Popcorn Plains. Fall down the narrow platforms at The Swampland and smash your gamepad out the window after the 100th try. Yay!
Depending on your choose (Timothy's car or Wolly's boat), the experience will feel different. Not all quests can be done with both of them, so choose wisely. Please only use the included vehicles to get full joy. Some of the quests are pretty tricky, so don't start whining. This is how videogames were like back then, you remember?
Major features of Beehive Valley Adventures:
Have fun! :-)
Parental Information: Beehive Valley Adventures is rated 'M' for crude and sexual content, bad language and brief nudity.
Please check the included [README].txt for more information.
Gameplay videos:
Version 1.1 from June 7th, 2019
Added some more Repo-triggers, adjusted lights, adjusted trackpic.
Version 1.2 from June 12th, 2019
Corrected issue with Repo-trigger behind Fairy River Waterfall
Version 1.2b from September 30th, 2023
Updated README (Permissions/Copyright)
I felt like i playing some sort of South Park game when doing this stunt map, there’s mostly alot to see from this. I mean even tho you can easily noclip out from the map with the boat most of the times when being in the sky it’s still well made and had alot of effort putted into this stunt map. I’m a little bit dissapointed that the last diamond is just a prop, mostly because of the nymph, if you played it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) But yeah jokes asides it’s a good map. Also why the fuck is there a fuckin’ Goomba at Mushroom Mountains ? I hope kiwi wasn’t high while making this one section of the stunt map.
Please don’t tell my dad what I do with my spare time.
bro wheres the naked water nymph? i collected all of the stars
Smelt Like a Kiwi
I wanted to release an update with the amount of stars increased to 99 some weeks ago, but this sadly still won’t be supported by RVGL. :(
This is cool and all but
Where is extreme edition