
  • Download count 4991
  • Pageviews 3721
  • Unique foldername cake
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2017-10-07
  • Version from 2021-03-16
  • Version 2021-03-16 (compatibility-wise)
  • RVW-ID 1877
  • Category
  • Score
    72/100 (23 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Extreme
  • Track length 449 m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?


    updated readme
    improved visuals
    re-made, simplified collision
    removed visiboxes (.vis file; it can be still downloaded separately)
    added custom difficulty and loading screen
    added challenge time (for Pro class)
    added practice star (for Probe UFO)
    converted textures to jpg (except texture h and newly added k)
    .inf file now looks for the I/O version's background music / plays from redbook
    re-made gfx image into png for better quality (RVZ version still uses the old gfx)

    for more information see readme

4 comments on “Cake

  1. I love the concept of this track, which is really well done. The racing line, disconcerting at first glance, is well worth spending some time on!

    (The readme available for download is for “Medieval Redux”…)

  2. The raceline has a good flow once you’re familiar with it, except for some blind corners or the lighting that hides parts of the raceline. The section above the stagnant water is not well lit, especially for the last turn, where I kept falling because there are no lights clearly revealing where the edges of the platforms are.
    Single player races can be very chaotic at times, with cars piling up at doorways and dropping unavoidable oil slicks.

    Textures and track lighting are gorgeous, but what I like least about Cake is by far the objects lighting.
    The cars are not integrated in the environment at all, some very dark sections have zero lights to darken the models. This breaks the immersion a bit.

    Overall I feel that Cake does justice to the Portal universe as a Re-Volt track. Don’t let the learning curve discourage you and this track quickly turns into a fun experience.

  3. Hey, reason I removed the visiboxes was concern for the visuals, I knew of at least one place where it led to a slight glitch, and I’ve long forgotten how visiboxes work to fix any of it.
    Thanks, I appreciate it

  4. Great update for one of my fav tracks. I’m wondering what is the reason you removed the ViziBoxes? I mean maybe it’s not necessary cause the polygons are not that much, but I’m curious anyway.

    Some more words to the track itself: Personally I like the raceline a lot. It’s tight and challenging. Some of the corners are pretty tricky, but nothing which can’t be learned. The artdesign and lighting is awesome. 5 stars.


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