- Download count 633
- Pageviews 2744
- Unique foldername zzzCarbox
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2023-09-15
- Version from 2023-10-01
- Version 1.0b
- RVW-ID 38071
- Category Tool
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
- Track difficulty
- Track length m
- Reverse version available?
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
- Easy to find by typing in "zzz" in the track selection screen, or just scroll one track left when having selected Toys in the Hood 1.
- Invisible speedometer and no "Gogo" animation
- Fully white with white fog
- No skidmarks visible
- Intended to be used in Training-mode, but it also works in Time-Trial and even Singleplayer-mode: The AI cars will fall into the void and are not visible after some seconds anymore.
- Select your car and start the level in Training-mode.
- Hit the F6 key to start the free-roam mode
- (Optional: Hide the UI by hitting Shift-F5)
- Move around your car by using the Mouse: Left Mouse button to zoom in, Right Mouse button to zoom out
- (Optional: Use the Mousewheel to adjust the FOV as desired)
- (Optional: Tilt the camera by using Alt+Mouse)
- Make a screenshot and use it in a picture-editing program to start working on your carbox
- Updated README (Permissions/Copyright)
The first release of my new zzzTools series:
Use this level as a base to work on stock-like Re-Volt carboxes.
I know there is a similar level floating around somewhere, but with this release it's now public available and easy to find for everyone. I "built" this level from scratch and implemented a few additional and handy things.
Only tested with RVGL Version 23.0602a1
How to use this level as a base for your stock-like carbox:
Version 1.0b Changes
weryy good work to make carbox
Good carbox track, the previous one was downloadable from old RVL forum and was made by hi-ban but had skid marks, walls and speedometer, this one is much better.
I had a few carbox levels myself but I never knew of the true location. Now that you got us this, there’s no way this’ll go missing now.
Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that are amazing.
Hoo-oh?! zzzTools series for car and track creators? Now you got me genuinely interested. Looking forward to see what you’ll come up with for aspiring track creators, I’d love to make some tracks someday!
I needed it for a project. You posted it just in time. Thank you very much.