Carmageddon Splat Full Conversion Pack

  • Download count 2260
  • Pageviews 3122
  • Unique foldername
  • Skin for DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2013-05-18
  • Version from 2014-09-02
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 23637
  • Category
  • Score
    90/100 (2 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This is a collection of all cars from Carmageddon Splat Pack. They were directly converted by Halogaland, using 3ds models provided by Harmalarm, so the visual part is true to Carma, and I have tried to make the physics part equally authentic. Also includes RC versions, requested by Joelcool51.
    Now also includes carboxes by Mystery.
    They are now the way they should have been from the start: well raceable for you and well-tuned as expert opponents for extra-challenging offline races.
    + They're set to calculated Carmageddon physics by default, so do NOT expect RC handling from the hardcore conversion.

7 comments on “Carmageddon Splat Full Conversion Pack

  1. As for the “readme” I am from Russia, and I use a translator, but he has a 50% chance that he translates the sentence completely incorrectly, and then it is difficult to understand it.

  2. Skarma. I just couldn’t think of the correct wording about building machines. Excuse me.
    And I myself am just learning to create them.

  3. This was originally created and uploaded to RVZ years ago before RVW even existed. Due to RVZ’s finicky nature when it came to uploading packs, this was the best way the author could do it at the time. It’s an archaic and obsolete method now and maybe some day we’ll get around to repacking these properly.

    In the mean time, all you have to do is rename the file inside with the .CW extention to .ZIP and extract that to your RV folder. If you’d have actually read the included readme, you would know that instead of bashing the author for a limitation they dealt with as best they could at the time. I find the wording even funnier as you yourself don’t have a single creation to your name.

  4. In your creations about “Carmageddon” “body.prm” is not specified and I specified it, and also, there is no coloring. Author. Do you even know how to create cars?


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