- Download count 1184
- Pageviews 2504
- Unique foldername cent212
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2021-02-28
- Version from
- Version
- RVW-ID 23846
- Category Standard Track
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction
- Track difficulty
- Track length 530 m
- Reverse version available? No
- Time trial times available? Yes
- Practice mode star available? Yes
- Online multiplayer compatible?
- pretty good flow
- practice star
- time trial time (not hard)
- tubers for the skybox (cumulumbus clouds reverse, original author Hip Shot)
- music is fall apart by wilidacious
- textures from various tracks, including hilaires snowy river and christmas snow globe; and internet
this was an old mesh i remade nearly completely today
the name is random, yea really.
/links to the authors in the readme
It is quite a good track! It uses elements from a lot of other tracks, not all of which mentioned in the readme. I think I recognised Candy Cane Lane, Waterfall and Snowland 1, but I didn’t check any of them, so I might be wrong. In any case, the elements were used well in the new context. It creates a nice setting. The race is fun to play too. The line is challenging, but unfortunately the AI isn’t too great. I’m indifferent about the music. One of Zeino’s best tracks so far, for sure.
Video: https://youtu.be/pPVsWkx2cYg