Chibi Chassis Template


    (462.77 KB)
  • Download count 687
  • Pageviews 1572
  • Unique foldername chibichassis
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2023-05-23
  • Version from 2023-06-19
  • Version 2.0
  • RVW-ID 36846
  • Category
  • Score
    100/100 (7 votes)
  • Unconventional car? Select an Option
  • Construction Select an Option
  • Engine Electric
  • Transmission 4WD
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Version 2: The chassis has been completely remodeled, and the first 12 rookie cars I have made are also updated with this new chassis. The chassis now features more detail, fixes to some flipped normals, corrected axles. The demo car has a translucent daytiny body so that one can see how the chassis fits under the body shell.


    Public-release template for making chibi cars in the style of Starfire GT. A demo car, paintkit template, Blender 2.79b files, and a README are included.

    The chassis was modelled after both the Choro Q HG2 chassis as well as Tamiya short-wheelbase chassis designs (i.e. SW01, GF01).



    Years after Starfire GT was released, Toy-Volt announced a successor platform. Envisioned by a rising designer from the Japanese branch, the new SD02 chassis features greater customizability and modularity. The polycarbonate bodies are fixed onto ABS fenders for rigidity, and this unit is then snapped-on to the chassis for a clean look without body posts. In addition, many high level adjustments can be performed, such as toe, camber, and differential changes that alter the performance and character of each car. What once was a Japanese-exclusive product soon became an international operation with contributions from other Toy-volt branches such as those in Europe and the Americas.

    Toy-Volt continued to expand their super-deformed range of RC cars years since the start of the series. Being affordable, customizable, and characterful, these little cars are loved by both beginners and die-hard Toy-Volt fans alike.  


    There's no need to be consistent with my style nor to even stick with the chibi dimensions.
    However, if you wish to create a car consistent with my own chibi cars here are some pointers:

    1. body.prm model is vertex-shaded ranging from 50% gray at the bottom to 100% at the roof.
    2. body.prm is usually separated into several meshes for smoother environmental lighting.
    3. Wheel wells follow the verticies of the chassis fenders.
    4. Use the included square profile wheels for road cars, the round wheels are appropriate for offroaders.
    5. The "Chassis Cover" object is joined with the rest of body.prm so that the interior of the body shell is blacked out.
    6. Wheel Square is used by most cars. Wheel Round is a larger diameter suitable for "offroad" cars. See June Bug's parameters for more details on wheel mass and radius.

    1. Texture is 512x512
    2. Main shadows are rendered and baked as a texture. Use a multiply layer with a low (~40-80) opacity.
    3. Wheel texture is 100x100 for a larger diameter, 92x92 for a smaller diameter. Wheel Round uses 100x100 rims.

    1. Folder name is "chibi____"
    2. Custom shadow is used. 2.73 soft setting with a gaussian blur of 3 applied afterwards in
    3. Car is rookie, electric, AWD.
    4. Car weight is typically 1.2kg.Heavier cars are typically 1.5kg.
    5. Wheelbase is 37.6 RV units and track width is 36 RV units
    6. Slower cars are balanced to Phat Slug/Dust Mite tier. The fastest cars are about equal with RC Bandit/Dr. Grudge.
    7. Aerial is on the left side of the car (since the "reciever" is modeled on the left side).
    8. Custom AI is used. (contact me on Discord for help with this if needed).


    Rights and Acknowledgements:

    • Thanks to burner94 for initially giving me permission to use Starfire GT as a basis for my chibi cars.
    • Credit to Xarc and his decal sheet for the textures used in the chassis parts.
    • Thanks to FZG for inspiring me to improve upon the original chassis design.

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