
  • Download count 375
  • Pageviews 1293
  • Unique foldername DayToyNa
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Release date 2024-12-14
  • Version from 2024-10-12
  • Version 1.0.1
  • RVW-ID 42079
  • Category
  • Score
    95/100 (9 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Original
  • Engine Glow
  • Transmission 4WD
  • Top speed 43.5 mph
  • Total weight 2.35 kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    After far too long, I have finally achieved my childhood dream of creating a new vehicle 100% from scratch for a 25-year-old toy car game. Yippee!

    The design goal of Daytoyna's parameters was to create a car that absolutely needed to powerslide around corners in order to succeed. My single-minded pursuit of this goal resulted in a vehicle that's unusually top-heavy for it's size and shape; combine it's top-heaviness with it's stiff steering, and you get a car that can be quite finicky — it takes poorly to bumpy terrain and is easily wiped out by other cars, but at least it has a high tendency to roll back onto its wheels after most wipeouts.

    As a trade-off for it's difficult steering and its consequent tendency towards constantly stopping-and-starting, Daytoyna boasts an utterly ludicrous top speed of 43.5 MPH/70 KPH, narrowly outpacing the likes of Cougar and Panga while barely skating under the (largely self-imposed) Super Pro threshold of 44 MPH . In other words, overcoming this vehicle's steep learning curve will let you pull very far ahead of your opponents whenever you're given the chance to go full-throttle.

    I could lie to you and say that this car's handling model was inspired by Daytona USA's visceral power sliding, but the truth is that this car was actually inspired by a friend of mine who played Re-Volt for the first time in early 2024 and spent the first few hours frustratedly trying to play it like a break-to-drift game before I told them (in more eloquent terms) that toy cars do not work that way.

    I've also included most of the car's decals and a few other textures in a "Decals + Extras" subfolder which everyone is free to use in their own projects.

    Suggestions and constructive feedback will always be appreciated! =^)

    • 3D Modelled in Blockbench
    • Unwrapped and exported in Blender using Marv's Blender Plugin
    • Textured in Paint.NET
    • AI tuned with Ato's re-release of Citywalker's individually-tuned AI guide
    • Engine sounds by SEGA AM2
    • Standard engine sound recorded directly from Daytona USA by CurtDog420
    • Alternate engine sound recorded directly from Daytona USA 2001 by me

8 comments on “Daytoyna

  1. What the f–…wow, that’s a surprise. I mean, I prefer this one because it’s somewhat lore friendly, but god damn, how about that.

    Nice find, Shred.


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