Desolate District 1

  • Download count 2861
  • Pageviews 4290
  • Unique foldername district
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2022-12-23
  • Version from 2023-07-17
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 35101
  • Category
  • Score
    90/100 (26 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty Hard
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    The idea of this track has started 2014 in the Re-Volt Live times, where me and RV_Passion were part of the RVL-HQ Team.

    There had given some discussions about what could be the next high quality track theme. I had suggested a kind of abandoned city area and showed some drawings to give a first view of the track.

    With the time I drew more and more the generally track construction, the normal and reverse track course for the cars and so on. After that i had started the first steps of modelling and texturing with blender. Then was a very long time where happens nothing with the track for many years. But it was still in my mind and i wanted to make the next steps finally.

    So i continued my work on 2020. Since then, it has changed a lot on the track. Because The test drives were ones of the most important things to look where i still need to remodel something.

    The last important thing was the using of the "MAKEITGOOD" mode, to place the instances and objects, track sounds, camera views and so on. In this point Chris was a big help for that, because he does the most stuff.

    So, after 8 years, this is my christmas present for enjoyable 10 years (since 2012) with the community :D

15 comments on “Desolate District 1

  1. New small updates for the track.

    – some slightly remodeled track parts for better online racing (i hope).
    – some new custom sounds and details like spark effects
    – improved visiboxes, ai-notes and collisions for normal and reverse

    Thanks again for Esteban.^^

  2. Some new small updates to the track, made by EstebanMz again.

    – Added AI nodes to some shorcuts that were missing them, this is to avoid getting reposition issues if you go through them.

    – Fixed an issue at the final turn that gave you a red X if you end the lap crossing the small grass section (normal mode).

    – Texture changed for the floor of both wagons in the track.

    Thats nice from you Esteban. :)

  3. I wanna apologize for the small inconvenience in the update-process. Because i’ve made some small mistakes on the reuploading.

    But hey, its a part of life. ;)

    I hope the track still works well.

  4. Some things are updated now.

    – AI notes
    – Adjustments to track direction triggers for reverse
    – FOV value increased

    It was made by EstebanMz.
    A big thanks from me! ^^

  5. The star is reachable in the training mode!
    There is a path to get it Abracazuu22, You just haven’t found it yet so far.

  6. Someone explain to me the need to place the star in a practical way in an inaccessible place? I mean, unless you have the SE 2000 or the hydra plane, you can hardly reach it, due to its strange location, the only thing maybe that I would change to this track to make it perfect!
    It’s a shame that cars like Toyeca or Humma aren’t able to get to where the star is. Hopefully in a future update they’ll change that star’s location.

  7. To the missing custom SFX and music. I don’t really see it as a disadvantage, because the original sounds and music from the original game still works on my track without any problems. But i can use your recommendation for a next track-project.

    To the background, i wanted to choose a sky-map with grey dark clouds with should given an impression of an rainy day. The sky-map from the track ReVille was the best choice for that.

    About the bad repo positions, thats something with should be fixed first.

    So, thanks for your constructive replies.

    Keep it up guys!

  8. This is such a good track Pure. Raceline is hella good, especially with the intended cuts, nothing too narrow or too wide. Personally I love the 270 degree turn into a jump. The whole design and textures are really well made, top notch for a first track not gonna lie. Track itself lacks of pose nodes as well as some pickups on the first 2 sections of the track, but as a first track it’s a banger one! Hope to see more tracks like this from you Pure!

  9. Absolutely great work, a lot of commitment in detail, even secret parts to find !
    But I have a problem: models/lantern.m crashes the loading, although present as original. Only deleting district.fob makes it work. I took a test level to manipulate the objects content, but crashes too. Perhaps anybody has an idea.

  10. This is an extremely well made track! the raceline is very fun and it never feels too narrow or too wide, it is very well balanced which is hard to accomplish. Textures are very close to stock tracks’s texture style, the only part that i don’t like is the metro interior, it looks too blurry compared to the rest of the track, especially the floor. in regards to SFX, yeah i think some additional custom SFX could give the track more personality but the main problem i noticed is that in certain section of the town you can’t hear the sound of the rain and it feels a little bit weird. Anyway, i agree with Kiwi, this is one of the best 2022 releases and i would consider it a classic. Awesome job with your first track 👍

  11. This is a very high quality track. One of the best 2022 releases for sure! I got some heavy Industry/Re-Ville vibes during my first test runs, but it’s undeniable we got an awesome new original (maybe even a future classic?) here.

    – Very nice textures and overall very good modelling and world-building.
    – Raceline and flow is very good and diversified. Easy to follow, hard to master.
    – Overall a very good theme, realistic and good atmosphere.

    – No (custom) music track
    – No (custom) SFX
    – Very ugly background clipping, caused by too low FARCLIP/FOGSTART values
    – A lot of bad repo positions

    Glad to see you now also joined the track making business, Pure. Can’t wait to see more from you.


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