Desolate District 2

  • Download count 2405
  • Pageviews 3438
  • Unique foldername district2
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2022-12-25
  • Version from 2022-12-25
  • Version 1.0
  • RVW-ID 35124
  • Category
  • Score
    65/100 (21 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Easy
  • Track length 426 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    I was very interested in RV_Pure's Desolate District 1, so i wanted to create my own part of this track. The hype of this track was big in 2021 and i asked RV_Pure, if i can help him. He said, he need time to work alone on this track. That's the reason, why i started part 2. I created the most stuff here, unless some instances. The lamps, banks & the parking station for horses are from me.
    The models of this track themself are also from me. I got all default textures from RV_Pure.

    Thank's to RV_Pure for the great idea.

    If you see some issues or bugs, you can send me a message on Discord. Also you are invited to join our Re-Volt Plus community (Also playable with I/O). We have some exclusive and edited content in the best Re-Volt quality.

    Have fun!

15 comments on “Desolate District 2

  1. I think I can’t get around the discussion like that, so I’ll leave my opinion on the track.
    For starters, I think it’s bad to make something using a lot of other person’s stuff (in this case, an idea, textures, a theme), but only if that person hasn’t given permission to do so. But in this case, in my opinion, it’s okay if RV_Pure did give you permission. Also, you could add he as an author.
    Now, let’s move on to the track. It’s a simple track. The racing line is suitable for beginners. It’s very easy, it’s kind of a circuit. But there’s a detail that’s a little annoying. I’m talking about the street lamp that Xarc has already mentioned (thanks to him for the detailed comment). Also, I am annoyed by the ramp hidden in the grass, because of this I am afraid to go there. Also, I don’t really like this boring turn.
    I don’t know if I’ve forgotten anything, but for now, that’s it. Again, I recommend adding RV_Pure as a co-author.

  2. 1 is to go around every nook and cranny of downtown,
    2 consists of the feeling of going around a simple circuit

    Because it is in the form of a circuit, it seems unavoidable that many details are not expressed compared to the original 1.

    What I thought was similar to the Supermarket series was that there was an extreme difference in difficulty.

  3. 1. Desolate District 2 is a stretch of mine. I only got the textures and the name. (Thanks to Pure for sure) Otherwise almost all models are mine. (Street lamps & benches for example (Also on Part 1)) And so my work is in there. RV_Pure is responsible for the first part. this is his baby District 2 isn’t his baby. Besides that, I got his permission. At first he was against it, but later I surfed it. (But we have settled that!)
    If so, then it would also be a matter between me and Pure. And there is nothing in the air. Since when do you need a “Go” to upload? Also between RV_Pure and me.

    Going by your logic, Toys in The Hood Night & 4 wouldn’t be my route either. And especially Shools Out for the most part neither is yours because there are things there that were already there. Botanical Garden 3 is thus from Acclaim. Botanical Garden 2 too, by the way. So that’s not a good argument, nor does it add anything to the original discussion.
    Just because a topic was picked up that already exists doesn’t mean that only he has the rights to it. According to this logic, many tracks would not exist. So that’s nonsense. I have the permission from Pure!

    2. I never thought Toys in the Hood 3 was “better” than me. I just thought it would be more modern.

    3. Toytanic 3 was a little gimmick for myself. I’ve never published anything like that and posted it directly where you asked me to. What’s the problem? I can do whatever I want privately, as long as I don’t put it on the internet.
    Above all, I contacted you after that.

    Also, the points have no place in the public domain because it was all discussed in private chat. That’s why I kept asking to report you privately. I could not reach you.

  4. If I hurt you with my comment Chris, then I am deeply Sorry. That was for sure not my goal. Reading my comment in hindsight I fully understand what you are referring to, and I regret the choose of some of my words. BUT, I still stand to my general opinion about this track. My critique was not well verbalized, and it was missing details to be useful for a creator. Thanks to Xarc and Skarma, who both wrote in a very detailed way about the things which I also were talking about.

    So, now to the “background story” behind my last sentence from my first comment:

    My main gripe with the track is (like already written by Xarc) the name. I don’t know if Pure gave his “Go” (I guess he did?), but I think it’s quite unusual that the successor of a track will be made by another author. And here we have this fantastic “life-time” project by Pure, everybody was waiting for. I think it’s fully natural that I was expecting a track in the same quality – maybe even a better/longer/whatever version – which the “2” was promising me. But no, the track was made even by another creator.

    I started to think more about it: I am also a track creator. Would I have been OK if “my baby” Spa-Volt would have gotten a successor made by another author? No, definitely not. How the hell can someone even dare to take someone’s “life-time project” and make an official successor of it? As I said, I don’t know if Pure was aware of it (yes, I guess so), but I really wasn’t able to understand this.

    And this I had in my head, when I was playing the track. It was not a track with a fresh new world created by YOU. It was Pure’s baby. And I felt sad when I saw the result in DIRECT comparison.

    You also tried to release a “Toys in the Hood 3” without considering, that there is already a TITH3 made by another author. You just said that your version is better. That’s so disrespectful. You also had a “Toytanic 3” in the works, with using my Inside-Toytanic parts without even asking me. Again – so disrespectful. Now you release a “Desolate District 2”. And I gave my honest opinion about it.

    That’s all from my side regarding this topic.

  5. just like RV_Pures version, i like the concept for this track but however its kinda hard for me to read the raceline and the quality is i dont know.

    overall this track is alright but there are some flaws.

  6. Just because it was my own stretch of the subject doesn’t mean I can’t call it Part 2.
    I did a lot more for Part 1 than Pure stated. (Some models, ideas and i edit the complete NCP data)
    Nice that he suddenly distanced himself so much from me.
    I have contacted Pure and wanted to talk to them about this matter but has not responded.
    (Public is always possible)
    Thanks for the support. I was very happy to help.

    A second part is not a sequel, but an independent route with its own paths.
    A sequel is something completely different. (Only my own meaning) The name or number change not the track.

    Kiwi’s last sentence was still inappropriate and has nothing to do with criticism.
    Pure never planned a second version.
    And no, I’ve never sought “attention” either

    Thanks Xarc & Skarmer for the great comment.

    Yes, I’m on the internet. But this is Re-Volt World and Kiwi is on the top and I didn’t expect it from him. “Go offline” is not the solution. Then it says I close my eyes and that’s wrong.
    Not in the Re-Volt Community.

    You still have to be sensible on the internet.
    Please don’t confuse criticism with statements like “It’s a BIG disappointment”
    If you don’t have any expectations, this won’t happen.

    Take this track like she is.
    My last words to this.
    Nice day guys!

  7. At the time of writing, this track mysteriously had it’s download link removed. I don’t know or care why but I had to grab this through another means in order to look at it.

    Let’s start with the better parts:

    Graphics are solid. Being that pretty much all of it comes from Pure’s original track, I can’t really give kudos for the creationism there.

    The raceline, whilst not bad, is very plain in overall stucture. There are some jumps and uneven terrain which puts it above a good majority of basic tracks but there isn’t anything intuitive or thought-provoking about it. The first section consists of a long winding turn that goes over a jump then into a left hand turn that is basically the same thing back to the finish line. There is a slight variance with a tigher turn near the finish.

    The track comes “fully fledged”. There is a practice star, challenge times for both normal and reverse variants and TVTIME cameras. The last one being a big plus for me personally.

    For the “lesser” parts:

    After the first 90-degree turn, there is a lamp post that is directly in the racing line that is difficult to not hit without a perfect line. The turn is already tight enough without this being there just to disrupt the flow.

    I don’t really understand why the reverse version has you go up the ramp and out through the hole in the car park rather than just going straight on. It does change up the race line a little bit, to say the least.

    I’ll leave the graphical barrenness of the track to Xarc’s more informative comment below.

    That’s pretty much it, really. All in all, the track is not a bad track. It’s just plain, mediocre, very middle of the road.

    Now for the main reason why I decided to look at this in the first place.

    If you’re on the internet in any form or capacity and you can’t take/accept criticism and think everyone who says so is just out to get you then you’re not going to last very long. The description clearly says “I wanted to create my own part of this track”. Yet, here in the comments, it is also claimed “This track has nothing to do with the original.” So which is it? If it’s nothing to do with Pure’s track, why is named Desolate District 2, uses the same textures and attempts to recreate the same type of track and visual style? That’s what I don’t understand.

  8. if you don’t want to consider it the official successor and don’t want to be compared to the first track, why calling it Desolate District 2? You could have called it Desolate District Mayhem or Chris’ Desolate district or anything else that made clear you didn’t want to be considered the official successor to the first track, but with this name of course it is going to get compared to the first one.

    That being said, i really liked the track, and here is what i think: starting with the graphichs, textures are the same as Desonale District 1 and are good, regarding the decoration aspect instead i kinda get what kiwi meant with the lack of decorations both on the track and “behind the walls”, the most obvius section of the track i noticed that has this problem is this one:
    it is a very long curve with the same texture and 0 decorations both on track or in the background, other sections of the track looked fine to me, for example you did the “behind the walls” decorations very well in this section:

    Now to the raceline: it is a short track but there is a little bit of up and down in the first section of the track which i liked, yeah there is some uneven terrain but it’s not too hard to avoid it or navigate trough it, there are mainly 2 sections that i didn’t liked a lot and both have the same problem, they are blind turns with an obstacle right after that you can’t see, you have to already know what’s going to be behind the wall, the fist one is this:
    i noticed that i was crashing on the street lamp very often, even after knowing that it is right behind the wall, it is placed in such a way that it is easy to crash on it after the 90 blind turn, an idea i have to make it more visible is to make the wall diagonal like this (ignore the bad textures this is just a quickly made demostration of my tought):
    i think this way the street lamp will become visible to the racers earlyer allowing them to avoid it.
    Next section i had problems to is this one:
    the main problem is the object in the red circle it covers the view on the actual raceline, it hides the door making harder to see where to go, same for that wall where i drawn the blue line, that line means that maybe that corner could be make diagonal like i suggested in the previus section of the track to make everything more visible

    Sorry if any of this feelt nitpicky, all in all i really like the track, good job

  9. @Kiwi
    hey Guys

    First, where is Kiwi’s criticism constructive? He didn’t mention a positive aspect.
    Also, Kiwi, if you feel that some objects are misplaced, please provide examples. So it just looks like you’re just badmouthing the track.
    I have driven the track after I read your comment a lot of times and I really can´t see what you are meaning.

    Desolate District 2 has nothing to do with the first part (except the name and the theme). It is also not an official successor as the track is not from RV_Pure.

    The last sentence is the least constructive. That’s just badmouthing the track and, in my opinion, badmouthing the creator as well

  10. In one year there was so many peoble who testing this track with a good feedback. (BGM, FK 02, RV_Passion, Rodik, Dimka… etc. and RV_Pure themself.)
    Kiwis “simply just criticizing” & “constructive feedback” is very low. There is no one positiv point. That’s were a really good feedback.
    You don’t need to compare two tracks.
    You negativ point leads to another.
    “simply just criticizing” & “constructive feedback” (That was great.)

    We have so much crab content in Re-Volt I/O and this is a bad track? Let’s take a look on 90% on the other tracks.
    Also on Re-Volt World.

  11. Chris… they’re simply just criticizing you because they feel that the track could need more polishing, not hating on you for just making a bad track. This is not how you take criticism for real. The right thing to do in this situation is to just take it to heart, and work on the track more. Then ask people to playtest and leave feedback. Right now, you’re just painting a bad image for yourself. Being hostile to genuine reviewers, just because they left constructive feedback, will cause people to just ignore you, and they won’t collab with you, or play your tracks anymore.

  12. Guys? This is Desolate District 2 and not District 1. Don’t compare tracks with another creator, locations, circumstance and by the way there are different difficults.
    I build this track NOT for 8 years. It’s was a second little track, created in 3 month. (And surprise.. I’m not RV_Pure)
    Kiwi? What’s your problem?
    This is not a factual criticism, this borders on hate speech.
    If you have a problem, send me a direct message. (I can’t do this… and you know that)
    Don’t blame the creation, just cause you have a problem with the creator.
    This track is NOT so bad like you tell.

    Really thank you!

    By the way at the first track. No custom SFX & music are not a point criticism. WTF?
    You criticize the bad repo points on the first track, cause you know the AI Nodes are from me.

    Is that a random thing?

  13. I played this one after trying the first track, and I can safely say it’s a huge step back for reasons kiwi explained.

  14. It´s a nice track. It´s maybe smaller than the first part, but it´s still fun to drive on. The objects and instances are making the atmosphere of this track. In my opinion a very good successor of Desolate District 1.

  15. Compared to Pure’s original Desolate District this is a big step downwards. The raceline is not intuitive to race on with a lot of uneven terrain and badly placed obstacles. Even the graphics are not really good here. Except the textures. Some areas definitely lack in decoration, realistic details (which were so great in Desolate District 1) and in general thoughtful world-building. A big issue at some areas are missing decoration “behind the walls” to generate a realistic depth of view and immersion.

    All in all this track is a big disappointment. I’m a bit Sorry for Pure, to have an official successor for his 8-year project with a quality like this.


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