Moon Dawn

  • Download count 1719
  • Pageviews 2419
  • Unique foldername dome3
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2014-01-13
  • Version from 2019-01-31
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 3571
  • Category
  • Score
    87/100 (28 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Extreme
  • Track length 1418 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?


    This is a marathon style of track, with several areas and variation of scenario. It takes place on a fictitious lunar base, where cars pass through gardens, computer laboratories, greenhouses, a moonscape and other different sectors. How all of this work is up to your imagination :P

    That's a very long track. At least I added different environments so you'll not be bored to death. The roads are wide at most parts, but they become narrow or with different obstacles and surfaces (bumpy, slippery...), offering different challenges all around. In other words, some parts are easy, some are not much.

    Known Bugs:

    • The gravity room appears to be very problematic for most cars. It may slow you down a lot if you miss the jump, which can happen according to your speed or the direction you throw the car in. You can accomplish the jump going at your max speed on a straight line, WITHOUT using battery. One quick way to get out is to press the reposition button and try the jump again.
    • Cars frequently take the left way at the globe fork, instead of vary between the two. Still, fast cars take the right direction in the normal mode thanks to the climb before the globe room.
    • Few instances may have missing collision on legacy Re-Volt versions due to collision limitations of these versions.
    • Due to range limit of camera nodes, few cameras after the quicksand and before the gravity room were removed in the lite version of the track.



    Most part of this track was based on Tank Racer's "Moon Dome". Thanks to Glass Ghost for the design inspiration.
    Credits for some borrowed effects goes to Activision, Valve, Acclaim Studios, Longbow Games and Glass Ghost.
    Thanks for Gotolei for the tips about AI nodes forks.

    Latest change log (January 31, 2019):

    • Reformed section after the gravity room and edited force fields
    • Added missing double sided properties for some faces, among other fixes in the world file
    • Optimized ncp file
    • Edited practice and global stars
    • Edited track dir triggers and added splits triggers
    • Changed few plants positions and added few more
    • Added a different version of tropics2.wav
    • Fixed folha.prm
    • Fixed issues with visiboxes

5 comments on “Moon Dawn

  1. Very interesting atmosphere that left many questions at first. Start finish line looks like it takes place on earth, then it looks like moon, maybe it’s just a space center simulating all this? Alien proof with that UFO though!
    Reverse is not optimal. Directional arrows are missing completly after the big jump (where the staircase could be used as a slow alternative). That upcoming ventilation shaft labyrinth isn’t optimal as well. Just show where things go or make the path more obvious, then it’s no problem to have some pocket to hide a star it.

  2. This track is a masterpiece! I’m not a fan of the gravity room, but except that everything is perfect. Really unique track and I have a lot of fun playing it.

  3. The track is very cool, only for fast cars, this track will not work, namely the moment with the planet Earth. It’s easy to fall down at this point.

  4. I really would like this track much more, but the 2 terrible cuts not only are terrible to drive, but they also cut very nicely sculpted turns so those parts of the track aren’t even driven which is a massive shame. Also the Moon drilling part is way too difficult for fast cars like Toyeca and can easily flip the car on unexpected bumps and rocks. Rest is very good – graphics, sound, raceline (except these 3 parts), flow, difficulty. I would really love to see those 2 cuts removed and perhaps the Moon drilling part made a bit easier, it would made this track a top tier track on my list.


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