High Voltage

  • Download count 1582
  • Pageviews 2630
  • Unique foldername dal_highvoltage
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Release date 2023-03-06
  • Version from 2023-04-01
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 36034
  • Category
  • Score
    85/100 (8 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Original
  • Engine Electric
  • Transmission 4WD
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This car was built from an AI generated image (using DALL-E 2), slightly edited by RVW user MadRRacerTurbo, who also uses it as profile picture: I thought it'd make a great car for RV so I reached out to him, willing to put it into the game. Fast forward a couple months (real life and all...) and here it finally is.

    Buggies aren't really my forte, but the peculiar shape of this uhh, "thing" was kinda charming to me, so I tried my best. The name is also mine, I thought of giving it some electricity related name because of the lightning bolt-like patterns on the original generation.

    Features acceleration and cornering focused 4WD Semi-Pro parameters - just mind banked corners and walls, the car is very light and prone to sticking to them because of the uneven track width. This is also my first time fiddling with relatively low inertia values (akin to stock buggies).

    Includes an alternate skin and carbox that removes the window tint, if you don't fancy the pink windows as featured in the AI generation - you can find both of them in the extra folder. Paintkit might come at a later date, right now it's only Photoshop-compatible so I thought I'd rather not include it for the time being.

    EDIT Apr 1, 2023: added custom tuned AI courtesy of Kipy. Thanks man!

3 comments on “High Voltage

  1. Not an April Fool’s update I swear :P but nothing really major.
    The car now features custom tuned AI to cut down a bit from its quintessential swerving. Still kinda bad on slippery surfaces but it should handle most situations a bit better, even on vanilla AI nodes on stock tracks.

  2. Again, thanks to burner94 for this amazing creation! It was a pleasure to cooperate on this. I will say, I agree with Shredster on handling, it sure does not like sharp steering, so better not to attempt it. It’s grip isn’t also the best and despite having cooperated with burner on this, I do wish it had that sort of stock-like magic aesthetic to it way more. It’s very lovely, that’s for sure, but I just can’t feel it as an stock-like car.

  3. Now THIS is how you use A.I. generated art: as concept art for an actual artist to extrapolate from. And what an abstract piece Burner’s churned out here, with reverse piranha fins, spoiler supports without an actual spoiler, and a rear axle that can only be described as a cross-beam. It’s absurd, and I love it.

    It’s a fun drive, too; quick off the grid and with tight but touchy handling. It’ll navigate corners like they aren’t even there, yet it tends to overcompensate whenever you need to make a minor correction. And you will definitely feel its low weight in a heated race, as an errant bump in the road or a light nudge from another car can send this thing clean off the side of the road.


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