Hospital 1

  • Download count 5674
  • Pageviews 7223
  • Unique foldername hospital1
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2022-04-01
  • Version from 2024-08-25
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 32374
  • Category
  • Score
    97/100 (59 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Hard
  • Track length 623 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    It's visitation hour at the Re-Volt Hospital.
    Motor around sanitary corridors and various wards of the sprawling building as you fight for first!


    This level is unlocked by finishing the Gold Cup championship.
    Unlock reversed mode by beating time trial challenge time.

    Updated 8/25/2024

20 comments on “Hospital 1

  1. Patch – 8/25/2024

    -Fog distance reduced in lower performance modes
    -Instance priorities added for low performance mode
    -Added geometry to back faces of hedges in the park

  2. a overhauled version from my previous comment…

    this track is one of my favorites as of right now… why tho?

    this gives the realistic vibes to an actual hospital and the raceline is good as well. all i have to say is that this track is a w.

    also congrats on winning the 2022 track of the year!

  3. I don’t quite think I will actually be playing those tracks. I am hoping that some creations more fitting into original low-poly, low-detail style of Re-Volt stock tracks show up but I can definitely recommend all those amazing creations from G_J and I_Spy for others.

  4. Has anyone found the practice mode star?
    Looking at the wheelchair why do we still need to have those strange irregular shape wheels? Can’t it be round and smooth?

  5. Quick patch:
    -Added collision to doorframes

    The names of the tracks are here to stay and reflect the vision of the levels. These are standalone entries from Hil’s Hospital, despite sharing a similar location. After Rooftops 1 our track names are chosen more carefully and with no intention to disrespect or erase the work of previous creators, which is still the case with these tracks.

  6. Your comment regarding track names were ignored, because naming tracks Hospital 1 & 2 literally does not cause any harm to older tracks. Someone will search up track named Hospital in Re-Volt Zone or Re-Volt World and they would find all tracks named Hospital, including Hil’s one and possibly give older tracks a shot anyway – In case they don’t, it’s simply because they prefer more modern graphics and solutions than what’s in old tracks and we are not to decide if ignoring older tracks is disrespectful or not – Interested people will play older tracks and maybe even keep them in their games and have all respect in the world for their creators. I, for one, do not see older tracks as worse, but do not play them because of personal preference regarding graphics – But I do respect that they were important for Re-Volt’s custom content history.

  7. Well as expected my trackname comments were ignored, but the 1–3 points from my first comment still stand, their implementation could make the track better and more challenging

  8. Now the creators of course get a free hand from io/rvw in the naming order because those 2 new tracks are so good and everything so we will not demand anything from them, only clap and pat on their backs, but not only it is imo disrespectful to the legacy of Re-Volt custom creations from over a decade ago, most importantly it creates a precedent to make a further mess in the naming order of tracks that do not have a number behind them. How many pairs of tracks with and without a number behind the track name there will be in the future? 2 (current)? 5? 10? It’s not right. You will make an Amazon-themed track? Just call it Brazil 1. I make another ranch-themed track? Just call it Ranch 1. No, no, no. Think further ahead, not just today. Sure there is no explicit rules in track naming nowadays (except for the exact same arrangement of symbols and the foldername – there can’t/shouldn’t be 2 same tracks with either of those, or at least the foldername), but at least maybe let’s not neglect the old tracks and their names and not make an intentional confusing mess that gets messier with each such situation?

  9. @kiwi Hospital by Hil is just called “Hospital” because he didn’t plan on making sequels, unlike stock tracks where every track with a second version in the same theme has 1 and 2 numbers. And would be impossible for them to make a track with the same name, just as with the same folder as it would conflict with another track. “Hospital” and “Hospital 1” is virtually the same name. Imagine a player that has 8GB worth of tracks in his folder (not only some packs) and someone asks him to “play hospital” – what is he to play? Hospital or Hospital 1? It’s a massive mess, and not only that. They did the same with “Rooftops 1” vs DC “Rooftops”, despite it even NOT having a sequel. I thought it was a one-time fakap but they clearly continue in this.

  10. The overall quality of your Hospital tracks are even a step up from your Fairground and Home tracks for me, which were my favourite custom made Re-Volt tracks until now. When I played Hospital 1 for the first time I was overwhelmed and had goosebumps. Everything in this track feels on-spot and like it came right out of the 90s. It’s clearly visible for me it took you 9 months to make this. It’s near to perfection.

    Compared to your Home-tracks the Hospital tracks are not really “stock-like” any more, because there are way more details. Yes, the world-file alone has only around 10.000 polygons, but with all the instances and objects the amount of polygons at Hospital 1 is around 45.000. This are about 20.000 more than at Home 2, as an example. But this is not meant in a negative way. I love it. I think in the year 2022 a good custom Re-Volt track should do it exactly like this.

    I could write an endless list of positive things for this tracks. If I have to pick a few ones I would like to mention the very nice colour palette, the practice star location, and the very good use of SFX. Because of the SFX I finally decided to give a 5 star rating in the “SFX/Music/Effects” category, instead of the 4 stars I had planned before: I think the music track could be a much better one. At first I thought it’s only a 1-minute long track, which is looping. I was quite surprised after I saw it’s more than 4 minutes long.

    Other than ZZ I also think that the names for the tracks are totally fine. Hospital by Hil is not called Hospital 1, so I don’t see an issue here. I also think that calling the tracks Hospital 2 and Hospital 3 would not be very fitting. Instead of doing so, I would rename them completely instead, and keep the 1 and 2. Just for the case if you really think about doing what ZZ said.

  11. Obviously graphically the track is very well made. The racing line offers some challenge, but it’s nothing extremely difficult so the “Hard” rating is very accurate. Track is not confusing and there is some transitions between “concrete” and “carpet” floor types. Turns are generally flowing one into another and walls are not blatantly in the way. Sound design is done well and the track makes use of the new triggers through the USG section, adding more life to the track. There is a lot of detail around the track and I like that all of those chairs, wheelchairs, hospital-trolleys etc. have proper hitboxes and car can get stuck and unstuck between them.

    But I have some things about the track that will hopefully be addressed and fixed:

    1. I’m not so sure about the viability of the left path outside of hospital. I haven’t done accurate tests so far. but if the left path is significantly slower than the right one, then it would be very nice to make the left path faster to match the right path → to allow players to choose divergent paths in that area, I would like that.

    2. I don’t like cuts, and if cut here is faster than the main path I would make the cut slower than the original path (and put a pickup or sth there to compensate for that) by adding some door here or something else, anything that would require more maneuvering and slower approach to this cut.

    3. There is quite a bit of wallbangs around the track and it would be better if the doors wouldn’t have the hitboxes perfectly in line with the wall, but deeper (in line with how deep the doors are visually), forcing the player to avoid hitting the door jambs. One wallbang is made precicely into one of such doors and the car bounces off air, but of course then there is no risk of crashing there (as the hitbox at the door is perfectly in line with the wall), removing some difficulty. I’d change that.

    4. Pickups are kinda… in the middle of the road? I’d prefer putting them a bit off from the racing line, but that’s a minor thing, up to the creator.

    5. Last but not least, and I have already made that point before, and the same authors didn’t take that into consideration. The track looks and drives well, but why did you have to name the track “Hospital 1/2”, if there already is a “Hospital” track in Re-Volt? And it’s not a poorly made lego track that can be forgotten about, it’s a good track by Hil with a challenging technical racing line. Calling the new tracks with just “1/2” brings another level of complexity and confusion in track names, especially for players not familiar with older tracks! There would be no shame in calling these tracks Hospital 2 and Hospital 3, and it would respect the fact that someone has made a hospital-themed track with a “Hospital” name 17 years ago. I don’t know whether it’s neglect, disregard to Re-Volt’s long history of trackmaking or thinking that it’s a new and good looking track then older worse-looking tracks can be forgotten about and names taken away from them, like if they were not proper tracks. It’s not right. Mikey, this isn’t right. Just call the tracks Hospital 2 and 3, there is no shame in that and it would make complete sense, even though you hadn’t made the first Hospital track. In the end, those tracks are an overall upgrade to the first Hospital track, as now we/you have more tools and experience to make the tracks better. If I were to make 2 ranch tracks, I wouldn’t call them Ranch 1 and 2, but Ranch 2 and 3… Please change the name of the tracks before it’s “too late”, as that was the argument used before in the same discussion with me regarding the naming of the “Rooftops 1” track. This might seem trivial to you, but really it’s not.

  12. Yet another masterpiece, you guys are amazing at track making! Counting this one and Hospital 2. Really wish I had at least half of your skills so I could make my own ideas into reality. It’s an instant classic track for me!

  13. Amazing tracks, both this one and Hospital 2. Fit into stock game really well and have that neat feel of how modern stock Re-Volt tracks could be done. Personally it only comes off from rest of stock tracks with amount of details to me (which for personal taste is just a bit too much), but hey it’s still really fun track to race around!

  14. Oh yeah… It looks sooo cool! Now it’s one of my favorite tracks. The model and textures are beautiful, the racing line is also very good and with several bifurcations. I also really like the visual effects. The track contains custom music that matches the atmosphere. In general, a very good job!



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