Human Center

  • Download count 631
  • Pageviews 1502
  • Unique foldername Human Center
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2005-06-25
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 3331
  • Category
  • Score
    42/100 (2 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length 523 m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Thx for downloading.
    This is the updated final version of my second track called Human Center.


    I dedicate this track to one of my favorite online players, to mmudshark.
    Thanks mmud for encouraging me to carry on my work.


    Well, you will find some improvements on the track. the most important
    modification is replacing the stairs with ramps. You can slide down very
    finely in the stairhouse.
    The race line changed also. Most striking is the absence of the gang outside
    the building. Its reduced in size to a kind of balcony which leads you into
    the "stairles stairhouse" from a large room of the Center. There is a number
    of little modifications to give a little smoother raceflow.


    I've fixed a number of bugs, but there is a very important thing what I have
    to mention here. I made the world file (you know the file with .w extension,
    this file is responsible for the environmental objects, simply we can say
    this is what you see while racing on the track) with 3dsmax, and the prog
    leaved behind some mystery invisible objects (or faces?, or something else?)
    which are undeletable because I cannot see them neither in max, nor in revolt.
    They cause some strange camera and missile moving and there are 2-3 point
    on the track where the reposition could be bad. I did everithing for repairing but
    after three weeks I gave up. Nevertheless I decided to publish the track,
    because I hope there is someone who knows the reason of this kind of errors,
    and together we can help each other to make better tracks in the future.
    I have found 3 disobedient points on the track: 1. on the way up to the first floor
    close to the turn, 2. on the balcony, 3. in the turn after the stairhouse when
    you reach the initial section of the home straight. But if you are an expert
    racer and drive fine, you dont need reposition on these sections and someone
    can drive on the track from race to race without noticing any bugs. So I hope
    after some warm up circuits we can race together for fun.

    Please if you got critic or estimation or you can help to fix the bugs mentiond
    above, don't hesitate to write me. Any rebuke or praise is welcome :).

    Put in duracells and lets meet on the track! :).



5 comments on “Human Center

  1. O_O Geeeeez, some heat here.
    Anyway in comparsion with its beta with stairs and broken AI this is a paradise. Not a conventional stock-a-like track but considering the concept, never was supposed to be anyway.
    But kinda pity Human took the humans away for the final ver.


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