- Download count 2785
- Pageviews 4051
- Unique foldername jailhouse
- Release date 2010-01-01
- Version from 2013-12-26
- RVW-ID 2749
- Category Standard Track
- Score
- Track length 729 m
- Reverse version available? No
- Thanks to Manmountain for tweaking the ai nodes. I implemented some of his ideas with his permission and made some changes according to his advices.
- Thanks to Hilaire9 for his valuable advices on makeitgood editing and eliminating bugs.
- Thanks to Sjampo for testing the track and for his constructive feedback.
Thank you for downloading my track!
This is a fairly fast track, you can drive by top speed most of the time (with stock cars) but for really good times (for example to beat my current record with toyeca with pickups off: 00:50:953), you really need to take care of corners and the right curves, you might need to use the brake as well :)
I am grateful for the ready help of the following revolters who tested the track and used their own skills to improve its quality and racing experience on it and helped me to fix all the bugs.
I went back to this track just to comment again on the AI nodes. These AI nodes are perfect, the best of all tracks without doubt. Anyone who is making tracks should take notes from these AI nodes.
Very big respect for Human and Manmountain for this.
For me, this track has the best AI. Every time I play this track I say “I’m going to win this time” and it never happens. Maybe my driving skills are not that good, but when I compare this track to others, this track is where I struggle the most and that’s why I love this track and give it 5/5!
Is there even a downside to this track? Everything seems to be done perfectly. Well, some poles far from the racing line have no collision and some places can be very punishing with a well-placed oil/clone, but that’s always a downside of tight doors/entrances/exits. But other than that, I don’t think there is not a single bad thing about this track.
The evergreen of Re-Volt custom tracks, everyone loves this masterpiece, the only thing that stands out to me is the less than average amount of pickups on the track, but I don’t mind about it at all, it always makes for exciting races. The R version is alright aswell except for some weird interactions that can happen at the entrance of the sewers.
On a side note: it’s impressive how Re-Volt players have improved over the last 12 years, Human’s record on Toyeca on the track is now almost 3 seconds slower of the current world record (a low 48 second lap), those were different times indeed.
Fantastic work, thanks for this fine detailed race track !
Completely agreed with 607. The track looks and feels great. Every detail is modeled well and placed in a proper place, to not be a nuisance but still provide challenges along the way. Custom music adds to the vibe, and ambient sounds like the lasers make lapping around incredibly enjoyable even when the race is not going that well. The layout itself seems convoluted at first, but when you remember how the track goes, it all becomes intuitive. It’s far to say that one is a must-have.
Jailhouse Rock is considered by many to be one of the best Re-Volt tracks ever, and rightfully so. It has a great flow, that is not too hard to follow but allows for a lot of optimisations, resulting in an optimal line that is challenging and very satisfying. The setting is great, and the custom effects, such as the moving fans including shadows, are amazing.
Video: https://youtu.be/Ol9a2Xj2_h8