- Download count 878
- Pageviews 1685
- Unique foldername chibi2j
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
Based on
Sucker Punch
- Release date 2023-07-16
- Version from 2023-09-15
- Version 1.1
- RVW-ID 37371
- Category Rookie Car
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction Remodel
- Engine Electric
- Transmission 4WD
- Top speed 32.0 mph
- Total weight 1.3 kg
- Acceleration 2.36 m/s²
- Construction
- Track difficulty
- Track length m
- Reverse version available?
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
- Low Blow handles similarly to Sucker Punch; The car has extreme grip and cornering capabilities with good top speed and good acceleration.
- Though very grippy, the car can be very difficult to control once the rear end loses traction, much like with Sucker punch.
- Low Blow can outpace 10-KO and Stinger Jr. but its faults can make the car feel less competitive in pickup on races.
- A low blow is a type of unfair hit in boxing, similar to how a sucker punch is one. "Blow" is also a reference to the fan on the car.
- This is the first open-cockpit chibi made. It is also the first with fender skirts (and second chibi wider than normal).
- Sucker Punch was one of the original remodel candidates I planned, but it has been delayed for a while.
- The car weighs 1.3kg - 100g heavier than a typical chibi. This is to account for the small motor powering the fan.
- Big thanks to burner94 for letting me chibify Sucker Punch.
Update v1.1: Nerfed wheel friction, adjusted suspension, adjusted AI. Low Blow is now better balanced versus other pro-derived chibis (i.e. Humo and Toyeca Jr.). To compensate for the nerf, the car is overall more stable with softer suspension that has slightly better performance over bumps.
Part of the SD02 line that succeeded the original Starfire GT.
Low Blow is a chibified version of Sucker Punch, featuring a little fan powered by a seperate small motor. Although there is no true ground effect in this chibi model, the extra grippy tires give Low Blow excellent handling similar to its larger and faster counterpart.