• Download count 875
  • Pageviews 2102
  • Unique foldername MAKEITSCARY
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2021-07-19
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 28349
  • Category
  • Score
    60/100 (8 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction Track Editor+ (Lego Extreme)
  • Track difficulty Hard
  • Track length 1458 m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? No
  • Online multiplayer compatible?


    The track includes an underwater section, so it cannot be completed with very lightweight cars, such as R6 and AMW.

    MAKEITSCARY or MAKEITBAD IV. This is my longest project.

    Tools: Track Editor 1.1, Blender 2.79, MAKEITGGOD, Blender Add-on, rvtmod7. GFX: Bandicam 5.2, Paint 3D.

    Credits: the idea of the MAKEITBAD track by Shredster VII. Contains models by Kiwi, Javil Design, GJ. Zonda Pagani RW by Skarma. Pickups by Gel38.

    Music "Waterflame - Daybreaker"

    Updates 19.07.21

    Fixed the fan texture.

    Removed a difficult place for AI.

    Two speedups were removed because they still didn't help.

    Several object throwers were removed.

    The 7th TrackDir was divided into 2 parts: Ahead, 45 Left


    U can watch the video on my YouTube channel:

12 comments on “MAKEITSCARY

  1. I wrote : “Many downloads, but very few votes – which explains, I hope, this horribly low rating today and that I will not increase (-;”,
    instead of “that I hope to increase”
    sorry for the mistake

  2. Lots of object and instance in this long lego track, and lots of ideas too.
    It’s simple, it seems that everything is there, and it may be too much in my opinion.
    However, everything is beautifully laid out and works except maybe one or two directions not very obvious and the underwater parts not the most pleasant to drive; but not bad either.
    You said you think you will do MAKEITSCARY Redux. I’m looking forward to this because it’s clearly one of the best Lego Tracks I’ve played so far.

    Many downloads, but very few votes – which explains, I hope, this horribly low rating today and that I will not increase (-;

  3. Of all the tracks I expected to get a sequel, I never would have put my shitpost tracks from 2011 on that list. It’s pretty surreal to see tributes to track design choices I made ten years ago.

    In some respects, this track far surpasses my own work; the lack of heavily edited track textures is supplanted by extremely liberal and effective use of objects and instances which take the boring straightaways of my own tracks and turns them into tests of deft dodging. It’s a genuinely fun time pulling 180’s around alligators and shooting for the open space between palm trees. Hell, there’s even a respawn teleport, something that my younger self would never have been able to figure out.

    Unfortunately, I have to level a few criticisms towards the base track layout. Pipes are used a little too liberally throughout the track — pipes which are rife with bumps due to the intricacies of how the Track Editor handles pipes that aren’t connected to the start line. The track also suffers from the problem of having jumps immediately before sharp turns; one can argue that these can be circumvented by braking before the jumps, but this compromises the nuances of accelerating and decelerating in the middle of the turn — not to mention they’re just plain unavoidable if you don’t memorize their locations.

    Still, there’s genuine potential on display here. I think that by doubling down on the use of objects and instances as clearly identifiable obstacles, softening the harsh 90-degree turns, and using pipes more sparingly, you might just be on your way to creating the next genuine LEGO Track classic — a rare feat.

  4. This track is great! By far your best track yet.
    I am very curious what you could make when you put this much effort into a more seriously themed track.

  5. I hate to point this out, but I don’t think this track is completeable. There’s a section of tube that leads to a wall where the game will try to reposition you. However, for me, it always repositions me right before the reposition point. Nice choice of music though.

  6. @Vaid Texture MAKEITSCARYr was responsible for painting custom animation. When you removed it, the vent was not visible. I fixed it. But the texture weighs 264KB.


  7. Optimizations done before approval:
    Blanked out 5mb MAKEITSCARYr.bmp texture, which is somehow additionally mapped in a really strange way on bridges, so I couldn’t remove it completely without making bridges go dark. Anyhow, the archive is down to 16.2mb from 21.4mb.

    Numerous of different content were used in the track, if someone notices something that was not credited or mentioned, let us know.

    [Edit]: Author pushed an update with some fixes and an optimized MAKEITSCARYr.bmp, it was likely used somewhere I didn’t see.


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