MotoGP (PS2) Soundtrack

  • Download count 135
  • Pageviews 501
  • Unique foldername soundtrack_motogp
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for France
  • Based on
  • Release date 2024-11-08
  • Version from 2024-10-29
  • Version 1.0
  • RVW-ID 41749
  • Category
  • Score
    93/100 (3 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible? No

    Recently i've been playing MotoGP for PS2 (A.K.A the Namco version) and then this got me thinking that i could make a soundtrack replacement mod, since there's 10 musics in-game just like Re-Volt, it's enough for me to work with this, just of course with some edits.

    Every music was given a 0.4 seconds of silence at the beginning so they don't do the weird fading in, as well for the menu and in-game music tracks, they were given 2 seconds of silence at the end to avoid insta-changes.

    The menu music since it's a short loop, it has been extended a bit.

    Some of the in-game music tracks were given an extra loop since they are shorter than 5 minutes, the tracks that i extended them were:


    For the extended tracks, i also had to give them fadeout effects, the ones that didin't needed to be exteded already had fadeout effects.

    Due to being only 1 music for the track results, it was made for both Win and Lose cups but with different timings to match both screens since the Lose cup it's slightly shorter than the Win cup animation.

    For the credits, in order to match the time that takes, i had to combine both the Openings 1+2 and the Ending, giving also the Ending part a fadeout when the credits it's about to finish.
    NOTE: This was made for the PC version since the Android port makes the credits slower and the music will finish before the credits it's finished.

    NOTE 2: This also includes modified .inf files from the default tracks so they play all 10 tracks (REDBOOK values changed to 1-10), however, this will make it NOT compatible for multiplayer games if the host haves the -autokick launch parameter, you can choose to not replace the .inf files but this will disable all music tracks randomised.
    NOTE 2.5: Any custom track should be compatible but of course, depending of the redbook tracks they use since this pack only replaces the vanilla tracks.

    For my final notes: I was planning on making a MotoGP 3 (PS2) soundtrack but when i tried to put a REDBOOK value higher than 13, they did not played, i've wanted to keep the REDBOOK lines since for the Frontend and Ghost Town 2 needs the REDBOOK line so the Win & Lose Cups and the Credits track plays them, removing those lines and using the MUSIC line will break them.
    Unless the RVGL team implements a new way of how the musics should be handled, increase the REDBOOK track values or make it so even with the MUSIC lines still plays the Win & Lose Cups and Credits Redbook tracks, i'll only be limited to 10 in-game music tracks, probably choosing the ones i like more than others.

    Enjoy this soundtrack replacement mod!
    Fun fact: 3 in-game music tracks (tracks 4 7 and 8) are also from the Arcade 500 GP, only the PS2 MotoGP version are in Higher quality and extended.

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