- Download count 2113
- Pageviews 3486
- Unique foldername nevermore
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
Based on
DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
- Release date 2022-08-08
- Version from 2023-08-05
- Version 1.2
- RVW-ID 33809
- Category Amateur Car
- Score
- Unconventional car? Select an Option
- Construction Original
- Engine Glow
- Transmission FWD
- Top speed 34.2 mph
- Total weight 0.82 kg
- Acceleration 2.91 m/s²
- Construction
- Track difficulty
- Track length m
- Reverse version available?
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
UPDATE (05/08/2023): Adjusted the car handling to keep its quirks, less stable however. Thanks to Erzu and Ahma for testing the adjusted grip.
UPDATE (08/07/2023): Adjusted the car handling to become a bit more stable. Thanks to Powerate for testing the car!
UPDATE (24/08/2022): Fixed stats
The car that darkens Lanore
Sharp edges poisons postwar
Bluebird calls for change
Never witness the mornynge
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore..."
This model is based on the Nissan Bluebird T12 5 Door
Special thanks to Paperman for the Details
RVGL is required
Honestly I never expected this Amateur car to become my favorite due to how satisfying it is to pull a drift and slide, much less become my go-to for I/O Amateurs.
I love this car!
I haven’t played this car originally much and was aware of it’s previous update that lost it’s character but now, as someone who didn’t drive the original but now get to have something similar to it, here’s my two cents:
The model itself ain’t bad, but given my modelling skills aren’t anything to show off, for the RVGL aesthetic, it works. Paperman made the details and texturing work out surprisingly well, almost like he can make ordinary cars actually look cool.
Second, the parameters..I am not sure if I see said quirks but, if it’s the fact this car is FWD and CAN somewwhat slide at your will depending how hard or long you turn your car at top speed, yeah, I got to say. That’s actually not a common car to make Amateurs fun. And to make Rookie to Advanced cars fun, you gotta know what you are doing. It is technically stable, but if you abuse it, well, you can lose control.
If you somehow manage to make a FWD somehow lose control to some capacity, especially for lower classes, then you went for something unique. That, in itself, is commendable. I may prefer Semi-Pros to Super Pros, but even I gotta say, this car is fun.
@Ahma: It is all updated now to return some of the character that was lost. It should be able to at least keep it somewhat straight.
Not a fan of the update. The car lost a big part of it’s character and it’s much more similar to other cars in it’s class now.