Offroadasis 2

  • Download count 210
  • Pageviews 429
  • Unique foldername dmk_roadasis2
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2024-09-07
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 41101
  • Category
  • Score
    72/100 (6 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Hard
  • Track length 730 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This is the second part of Offroasis, just longer and with aphalt. Made by using built-in curves in Blender 3.4.
    Road texture was modified to be infinite and some other textures too...

    Map was based on both "Ancient City" and "Coast" from Pocket Rally!

    Thanks to Official Re-volt Discord community for helping me out. :)

1 comment on “Offroadasis 2

  1. Longer than its predecessor, but with much less rhythm. It’s a shame.
    I think the texture of the asphalt section is too clean.
    Otherwise, the same criticism as for number 1: lack of decoration.
    But it’s a very pleasant track to run on.


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