- Download count 786
- Pageviews 1819
- Unique foldername penguin
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
Based on
DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
- Release date 2023-09-18
- Version from 2023-10-01
- Version 1.1b
- RVW-ID 38101
- Category Rookie Car
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction Original
- Engine Glow
- Transmission 4WD
- Top speed 34 mph
- Total weight 4.0 kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction
- Track difficulty
- Track length m
- Reverse version available?
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
- Adjusted carbox
- Updated README (Permissions/Copyright)
This is my very first original car built from scratch.
Penguin is based on the Antarctic Snow Cruiser, a vehicle designed from 1937 to 1939, intended to facilitate transport in Antarctica during the United States Antarctic Service Expedition.
The Snow Cruiser was constructed in just 11 weeks. An incredibly short amount of time for such an ambitious, first of its kind machine. Soon, it would become abundantly clear that the Cruiser had been over-designed and under-tested. It failed to operate as hoped under the difficult conditions. The Snow Cruiser was given up only after some weeks and got forgotten. Rediscovered under a deep layer of snow in 1958, it later disappeared again due to shifting ice conditions. Its whereabouts have been unknown since then.
Watch the Snow Cruisers story here:
And here the Wikipedia article:
Thanks a lot to burner94 for making the parameters and help me optimizing the mesh. It was our first collab and Penguin turned out exactly like I always imagined.
Have fun with Penguin.
Version 1.1
Version 1.1b
This thing is as heavy as my Tungstein, and this one is for a good reason like mine. Rather than bullion, this one is based on a real car, but rather than another dumpster, and a heavy one..it’s an antartican land vehicle. This has got to be one of your most unique cars, and I’m being honest.
The sheer weight of it paired with the top speed and it’s clumsy suspension, make this one of the FUNNEST Rookie I ever played. It’s next on par with the Creeki Leeki. Though that one is one frustrating car, in a fun way.
And given the weight, expect bombs and fake pickups not flipping this thing. It might as well be a tank. Beautiful.
I was worried that it would be as huge as in real life, and whether it could fit in the garage. But everything is fine. thank you! :)
Awww I was hoping it’d be massive too.