- Download count 4109
- Pageviews 4161
- Unique foldername petrol
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2001-06-26
- Version from
- Version
- RVW-ID 2607
- Category Standard Track
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
- Track difficulty Extreme
- Track length 951 m
- Reverse version available? Yes
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
This is a long all-instance track with various challenges in different areas. Features long straights, tight turns, jumps, some grass and mud. Lots of places where you can make mistakes; some points do need braking. You'll need a steady hand.
Thanks to Acclaim for making this wonderful game.
Thanks to the following people who made the creation of PetroVolt possible:
Alexander Kroeller and Christer Sundin wrote the tools which convert 3DSMax output into Re-Volt levels.
My wife Agnes tolerated the lack of attention towards her during the months of making.
This is my debut track; I guess I made all mistakes that first-timers do. One for sure is that there is a large open area (the petrol station), where FPS drops. At least it does in my computer.
Happy racing,
You know, when I first downloaded this track last year, I didn’t even know that this track was released in 2001, I thought at least in 2020, it is well made for its time, this one will forever be a legendary RVGL classic, I like almost all locations from the street to the basement.
I didn’t even realize that Gabor made this track, the one who made my favorite Quick and Venice! Yes, this track is complicated, when I first passed it, I did not understand how to get around a location with only two trees, and a location with a basement, but the track itself is very fun and interesting, I like the color scheme of the track, despite how long it has been out!
This is the most favorite track among the classics, it is very pleasant and fun to ride on it, I think this track will always be the best among the classics, like Quick and Venice. So this is the most favorite track among the classics, along with Quick!
I think I found a bug on reverse: A checkpoint on the ramp up to the attic seems to be missed sometimes. Maybe when driving too aggresively up there?
This track proves that a racetrack with relatively long straights can be still very entertaining, provided the turn sections are done properly and give players some challenge and possibilities to lose or gain time over others. I especially like the turnaround after the tree as well as the first turn, which is a pushing place in online races. Definitely the worst part is the big drop down, which is too big for re-volt cars, many of which can bounce off in a weird way and crash the car out. The small ramp with a small cut could also not exist. The last turn is a cheeky one, with a small drop down combined with a turn which requires proper landing setup in order not to spin out just before the finish line.
Took a few tries to get around every road. But maaan this is a fun and challenging track. The manhole after the first corner was a fun move.
This track is a major classic. It is Gabor’s first track, who made the amazing Quake! and Venice. Personally, I’ve never liked it too much. My main issue with it is that it is very unintuitive where to go, for me. When you pay attention to the direction triggers it is doable, but sometimes they stop appearing. At the end of the part through the petrol station, you can take multiple paths, and if you don’t take the main path here, they might not show up anymore. I like that you can take multiple paths there, but it also makes it a bit more confusing.
Once you know the line, this is a pretty fun track, but I’m not a fan of the last part of the track. The cellar area is too big, in my opinion, and doesn’t look very good. It is also hard to see where to go here, because everything is the same colour, and the exit is not obvious. In the yard outside, it seems just a little weird to have to drive around the tree.
But I am reviewing this as a classic. If I were to look at it, not knowing who had made it and what reputation it has, I think I would think this track is great. It’s got several unique ideas that I quite enjoy, such as the car repair area and the open manholes. It’s graphically also quite impressive for such an old track, with the petrol station area and the part before the cellar looking particularly good in my opinion. The track has both technically demanding parts and more straight-forward sections.
This is not one of my personal favourites, but it is certainly impressive, and considering when this track was released, it is no wonder that it became a classic.
Video: https://youtu.be/VW9EI7SoJIA