
  • Download count 475
  • Pageviews 996
  • Unique foldername Pluto
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2018-02-18
  • Version from 2018-02-22
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 1691
  • Category
  • Score
    72/100 (3 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length 1118 m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    ***Slight modifications***

    -Farce Field going up the ice bridge removed. Was intentionally there for when the icy surface was working, but it's not working anymore and makes the farce field useless.
    -Another speedup (slowdown) added near the end of the ice bridge, since the AI don't want to slowdown.
    -Reposition trigger near the stone section pushed back, some custom cars were getting too close/inside of it.
    -Typo in the readme fixed.
    -New gfx.

    Fixed Track Zone #42 error.

    As I said before, in order to get better at this Revolt/Blender stuff I have to keep working with it. I wanted to try a different style this time using slopes and curves. Since it's Winter and I've been trekking through so much snow 'round my area, why not let Pluto be the next track, since I'm doing an entire planet-track experiment anyway.

    Ice aesthetics were working, but something must've happened at some point a few days ago that disabled them. We couldn't figure what it is preventing the surface types, so it's left alone for now.
    I'll update the track if we can get that ironed out.

    All other details are in the readme.

    Since there are multiple stars in Practice Mode, you will need to find one and not restart/re-enter the track, otherwise the rest of the stars will disappear. They won't disappear once you've found one and stay in the track.
    If you do exit, you'll have to go into the 'profiles' folder where your game is installed and erase the level data file for the track. Doing that will reset your progress of the track and put the stars back.

1 comment on “Pluto

  1. Weird praise for a weird track: after some 20+ races on it, the place is familiar, but still not homely. Not by far… I’m starting to suspect all their “Planets” tracks are like that.

    TL;DR: this place’s got seriously alien atmosphere…


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