Raging Bull

  • Download count 3432
  • Pageviews 3076
  • Unique foldername rbull
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Release date 2021-07-13
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 28275
  • Category
  • Score
    85/100 (5 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Original
  • Engine Glow
  • Transmission 4WD
  • Top speed 42 mph
  • Total weight 2 kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    First time posting here, in reality this is the third car i created (the others 2 will never see the light of the day). I hope you guys can enjoy it, any opinions, recomendations, etc, are welcome and they can be a lot of help for me to improve.

    The models and skins are totally original, but if you guys (for some reason) manage to find something very similar, give me a touch on the Discord server of Re-Volt.

    UPDATE 1: Fixed an error of pure black color caused by one of the stickers, it's now replaced by a different one, carbox updated to match aspect.

    UPDATE 2: Fixed the shadow (thanks LivingWithGames).

    UPDATE 3: Changed the transmission from RWD to 4WD

    UPDATE $: Offset2 set to 0 in parameters.

    EXTRA: While i keep making the next car, i'll drop this for you guys to get WILD with the Bull (paintkit added, in other words, available in .psd and .mdp formats)

    Skins for Raging Bull

    Pie Hut #75, by LivingWithGames

13 comments on “Raging Bull

  1. To Lingot RTX, can you be more clear about what are you asking? i didn’t quite get what you said about the paintkit

  2. You’re welcome, mate. Now Favs and Pemto MK-II have some extra company properly.

    (There;s also both Hornets too, maybe I should check them, too.)

  3. If any of you guys are reading this, you can update the shadow any time, i wasn’t sure if i had to put something to contact me like my Discord, but i’ll leave It here (Ghoster#5141)

  4. @LivingWithGames I actually still have the original plugin for Blender that makes correct shadows from the get go, so technically I can auto generate a fixed one too, but if Ghoster is okay with adding your edit you can chuck it my way (or Ghoster’s) and either of us can update the package (:

  5. And fixing the shadow is kind of easy, I admit I used Paint Net and painted the top and adjusted by painting the shadow as the same color, I can send you the fixed shadow if you want, unless burner94 here could take it and update the main car file that way. The front shadow of it is aligned to a way I am genuinely happy and won’t mess with my OCD.

  6. While it is your third car you made, I hereby qualify this as the first original of yours on RVW, nice job! But you know what’s as good, also a Stock Car/NASCAR styled car like the Pemto MK-II….and also, very freindly mapping.

    If you too can provide the paint kit for this, I am sure people will be ecstatic for making new skins for this. Keep up the good work, mate.

  7. This is a pretty nice first release! Really love the paintjob, and also the model is nice. Good job, Ghoster. Can’t wait to see more from you.

  8. I took the liberty of editing out your “stats” because you aren’t supposed to put the ones as shown in the parameters, but rather the observed top speed and calculated average acceleration (use something like omnicalculator or similar sites to get that) – RV parameters use SECONDS for acceleration, not meters per second squared!

    Congrats on your first upload. Car reminds me a bit of the original Pemto from the scrapped RV car list (https://www.revoltworld.net/dl/pemto/), and also Xarc’s Favs (https://www.revoltworld.net/dl/fd76favs/).

    A minor bug that I can already see is the shadow, at least judging from the carbox picture – by the looks of it you used Marv’s plugin’s shadow maker and SHADOWTABLE calculator, which is bugged and always gives you the same absolute value for front and rear borders: this means the back of the shadow will be perfectly aligned, but the front is guesswork and needs to be edited manually… you can see the shadow ending “below” the car and not at its very edge.


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