RC Stadium 2

  • Download count 3085
  • Pageviews 3680
  • Unique foldername fdt4stad2
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2022-08-28
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 34093
  • Category
  • Score
    89/100 (33 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Medium
  • Track length 392 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Difficulty: Medium
    Reverse mode: Yes
    Practice star: Yes
    Time Trial: 0:28:500 (normal) 0:29:000 (reversed) (both balanced around advanced class cars, tested with Bertha Ballistics)

    NOTE: this track uses 21.0905a-1 custom animations features, make sure to update your game

    Credits to MightyCucumber for testing the track and giving me feedbacks
    Credits to Paperman and MightyCucumber for Yella

    UPDATED: removed the music to use the redbook instead

6 comments on “RC Stadium 2

  1. Awesome track! I would ask if you can make Spa-Francoshamp or Silverstone or any F1 tracks. Great job on this track!

  2. A tiny-bit less fun to actually drive on then RC Stadium 1 for me personally, it’s still fun, but something about certain corners rubs that my dinosaur brain the wrong way. Nothing overtly damning though, everything is still quality.

    Visually though this track is a pretty big leap from Stadium 1 in some pretty great ways. More colorful, looks genuinely more like an RC track other then the fact that it’s indoors, and the almighty Yella XL watches over the race with cold judgment. Still not exactly my cup of tea as far as track themes go, but I can’t say I do not enjoy it.

    Looks like you’ve got some shortcut/alternate route system going on too, though I missed how to activate it during the 3 or so races I had. Something to do with the green pressure plates? Still, neat concept that can add a bit of variety to races.

    Overall another great track for the Xarc stable, and an even higher note to end this tale of two stadiums on.

  3. Thanks for the feedbacks guys 👍 I decided to remove the music and use the redbook instead. The idea of the music i used was that i heared it from Amco Bitume and i thought it was a cool reference to have it

  4. Indeed, it’s nice to see real RC-car tracks like these. There are some of them (especially older ones), but this is the one with the best quality by far. The overall graphical quality of the track is very good. A lot of polish was done to let it look like this. I love the big screen with the texture animation, and the idea with the closed shortcuts. Awesome! Other than Ahma I am no big fan of the raceline, tho. For me it feels a bit random, and I miss a good flow. But maybe I love Amco TT just too much, which has in my opinion one of the best flows of all Re-Volt tracks. And yes, the choice of the music track was really not the best. That’s why I gave the SFX/Music category only 3 stars. But other than that, a great release!

  5. This track is awesome! I have wondered why we don’t have a track like this in RVGL yet. On this track every single corner feels individual and is done with great judgement. Shortcuts to the track are a very interesting feature and I kinda like it. Only thing I would like different is the music. Something with more adrenaline would do great. All in all I like this track a lot! Thanks Xarc.


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