Drift Robin

  • Download count 305
  • Pageviews 981
  • Unique foldername robinD
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on Reliant Robin
  • Release date 2014-10-15
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 20315
  • Category
  • Score
    Not enough votes
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Repaint
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Drift-oriented repaint of Skarma's Reliant Robin. Uses Cat's wheels, just rescaled and remapped. Comes with carbox. No custom shadow, feel free to add one if you want...

    Not selectable by the CPU since it's a full-drifter setup.

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