Rooftops 1

  • Download count 6196
  • Pageviews 6476
  • Unique foldername roof1
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2019-09-15
  • Version from 2024-01-26
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 1685
  • Category
  • Score
    87/100 (39 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length 717 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    It's all full-throttle and precise control at the top of the city! Sun baked rooftops rest above pale clouds that mask what must be a frightening drop! Watch out for steam obstacles that will push you off course! Battle against other fearless toy cars to prove again that you are the true Re-Volt Champion!

    This track is derived from Marv's/Acclaim's Fiddlers on the Roof, bringing in daytime versions of textures from Rooftops as well as obstacles inspired by the concept art. It also includes a reversed path among new geometry. It is designed to pair with Acclaim's Rooftops.

    Patch 9/20/2019 - Fixed Junior RC AI problems on satellite jump, and the issue which caused you to fall forever.

    Patch 5/2/2020 - Steam obstacles fixed, high wind shortcut removed, new bird models, reversed path modified, and more!

    Patch 8/16/2023 - Reposition fixes, visiboxes, etc.

    Patch 1/26/2024 - Satellite trackzones, visibox error.

    RVGL 20.0430a (or higher) is required.

6 comments on “Rooftops 1

  1. Update: Several reposition errors have been fixed! Added visiboxes, and axed some poor LOD peripherals for performance and such. Mild atmospheric fog added at the extreme distances.

  2. I really like the flow of the track, it’s pretty well made. It’s really an improvement over the original version, including for the fact that this one has no glitches on the edges, unlike the original.

    The first jump was made smoother and doesn’t crash the car anymore, and the left-up turn is very wide and the weird uphill is a challenge towards learning the track, with how steep the ramp is What’s even more of a challenge, is how the transition has to be driven nearly perfectly, or close to perfect, because otherwise the dropdown, which is too big and too risky, causes cars of inexperienced players to crash when landing, ultimately slowing them down. That dropdown is a pretty tricky part of the track The little bridge in the original version ( was pretty similar to drive than the current pipe, so it’s a welcome addition. The jump here is fine, I like the air vents that push the car and the water flowing to add detail. And I really like that there is a “shortcut” that skips one jump and allows to get a better line into the two tricky jumps in the next part, otherwise you get punished for falling for trying to exploit the map In the original there was only one similar jump to them, and it was challening enough, now we have two which might kill weaker players, but once one is trained enough, it’s quite fun. Here there is one difficult jump, and right after it there is another one , for which there is pretty little time, but just enough space to set up the car correctly, making the second jump a pretty good challenge to get around smoothly, and if it happens, the ramp down is also placed intentionally or unintentionally quite short, to keep the player on his toes I like the air vents, and the satellite dish or antenna jumps, they are better and smoother than in the original The last jump is fine and very identical I also like the more yellow oriented colour palette, the gray colour palette of the original fits the theme of running through the rooftops at night more, but the sunny day is even better, in my opinion. And not to forget that the decorative objects are more detailed, there’s more of them and the textures are higher quality which is quite nice, the pigeons flapping is very nice detail.

    Overall, this track made more driving here significantly better, or rather, more challening, in areas that were improved compared to the original version and I quite like driving this track, especially when compared with the original. And the well thought out name… it really clicks because it was part of the first concepts about the game we play today.

  3. I really don’t like the flow of the track, it’s tragic. It’s really not an improvement over the original version, except for the fact that this one has no glitches on the edges like the original.

    The first jump was made smoother and doesn’t crash the car anymore, but the left-up turn is very wide and weird with how steep the ramp is What is even more flow-breaking is how the transition has to be driven perfectly, because otherwise the dropdown, that is too big and too risky causes the car to crash when landing. That dropdown is the worst part of the track The little bridge in the original version ( was better to drive than this. The jump here is fine, I like the air vents that push the car and the water. But I extremely dislike that there is a “shortcut” that basically skips one jump and allows to get a better line into the two atrocious jumps in the next part In the original there was only one similar jump to them, and it was already difficult enough, especially for weaker players. Here there is one difficult jump, and right after it there is another one, for which there is not enough time and space to set up the car correctly, making the second jump a massive task to get around smoothly, and even it if happens, the ramp down is also quite weirdly placed and quite short I like the air vents, and the satellite dish/antenna jumps are better and smoother than in the original The last jump is fine and almost identical I also don’t like the yellow-ish colour palette, the gray colour palette of the original fits the dusty rooftops theme more in my opinion. But the decorative objects are more detailed, there’s more of them and textures are higher quality which is nice.

    Overall, this track made more driving here significantly worse than in areas it improved it compared to the original version and I quite dislike driving this track, especially when compared with the original. And the atrocious name…


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