Room 12×16

  • Download count 3539
  • Pageviews 4955
  • Unique foldername room12x16
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2023-03-04
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 35940
  • Category
  • Score
    90/100 (33 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Medium
  • Track length 435 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    First idea was to make a track-editor outline with graphics like a slotcar race. But that looked ugly all around. Next I wanted to create the track-editor modules with blender, but that wasn't as easy as I expected. So it ends up in a copy of the track-editor room including a free formed slotcar lane with corresponding textures.

    Travel back to your childhood carpet :-)

    update 1
    I received some hints to make the route more competitive in time trail and online events. Possible shortcuts had been blocked by instances and some other little corrections at pos nodes, track zones, triggers and pickups.

    update 2
    After many test cruising we decided to give the updated part a better flow with some new curbs. And in gfx is an alternative level picture.

    A huge thank and cheers to Ahma for supporting and improvements !

12 comments on “Room 12×16

  1. Like the toys all around, many level and track-editor noises were of course installed on purpose to keep the ReVolt feeling. An additional layer of music would have been too much.

  2. Love the smooth curves and corners and the inclines as well! One drawback was the music was missing(?) There’s one the ‘Toys in the hood’ atmosphere to be heard. The grass mower, the children talking etc.. I don’t know if this was intended or maybe a bug?

  3. Oh yes, the same idea and even some similar details. I didn’t know before, thanks for the hint !
    My room should have the track editor appearance, so I made no extra walls or door.

  4. Eyoo this track is amazing! Unique raceline with unique theme, it feels super original. Keep up the great work man! 5/5

  5. You know what? I’m glad this track exists! Not only it stood out for its flow but also using a Lego track as background! This reminds me of “Bunk Bed Burnout” from Micro Maniacs, without the wild shit that takes place in a bedroom.

    I do have to say the visuals are great but it would be better of if it wasn’t a black void. maybe put some walls and a door there too.

    Great track!

  6. Hi guys, I much appreciate all your positive feedback !

    To develop a longer race line would be a complete new project, perhaps some rainy autumn nights are coming..
    I also tried out some music, but it’s too much within all the little sounds I implemented.

    Today I made a patch in the upload files because in online competitions were some mean traces over the carpet.

  7. There’s only one thing I really hate about this track.

    It’s short. way too short for how GOOD this track actually is. Holy mackarel, the flow, the chaos you can do with this track, is on levels with the Stadium tracks Xarc made!! And with Super Pro cars like the Meteor, the Triton RE, Prototype FX77 and Quicksilver, it actually FEELS like you are controlling a slot car, it felt…GOOD going around the corners fast.

    You need to make variants of this, an even longer track, perhaps. This is an instant classic.

  8. Track is butter smooth to drive and also decently technical for faster cars. Very good job here. I can’t complain about anything in terms of track flow and mesh smoothness.

  9. I totally agree with Rodik’s comment!
    However, I would have preferred that the pickups be placed elsewhere than in the center of the track.
    I hope to see a room 12×16 2 with a more complex running line and why not, a loop?

  10. Wow! You are progressing in trackmaking before your eyes! This is so much better than your first track! As a fan of good Lego Tracks, I really liked this idea! The only thing I would like to see is custom music. But it is possible that custom SFX would not be heard behind it.
    Also, the AI ​​was very good this time. My rating for this track is 4.9. Keep it up!


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