Shagball Online!

  • Download count 114
  • Pageviews 723
  • Unique foldername shagball
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2024-02-11
  • Version from 2023-11-05
  • Version 23.1105
  • RVW-ID 39402
  • Category
  • Score
    Not enough votes
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction Track Editor+ (Lego Extreme)
  • Track difficulty Select an Option
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available? No
  • Practice mode star available? No
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    A Re-Upload of a Classic Arena by Hilaire9.

    The arena includes minor bug fixes from 2023 update also found in the I/O Arenas Pack.

    - Changed to Battle Tag mode (Santi) - About singleplayer mode on this arena, you can use dev mode for play with AI!

    - The floor of a goal area is fixed & Maxed the repo at the goal limits (By EstebanMz)

    Original Readme!

    --*** Shagball Online! *--by hilaire9 May 2001
    Type: Lego Extreme Length: A small Shagball Arena
    Zip name: 'shag' Zip size 993Kb
    --Description: IT'S NOT A RACE! It's Shagball Online! Shagball is a
    soccer type game designed for Online play between two
    or more players.

    -***To Install: Unzip 'shag' into the main Re-Volt folder.

    ** How to Shag **
    1.) Before the game starts the Host divides all Players into
    two teams: the Blue Team and the Red Team.

    2.) The Host decides which cars will be used in the game.
    NOTE: Amateur cars with flat fronts and backs handle
    the ball better than Pro cars such as Toyeca, etc.

    3.) There are 10 Soccer balls and 1 Beachball on the playing

    4.) When the Game begins Members of the Blue Team push as many
    balls as they can into the Blue Goal. The Red Team does the
    same into the Red Goal.

    5.) The Game is over when no more balls are to be found on the
    playing area.

    6.) The Team with the most balls in their net wins!

    ** Rules **
    1.) You will be repositioned if you try to enter the
    opponent's Goal in an attempt to knock out a ball.
    2.) You are allowed to knock balls out of an opponent's
    Goal with a Weapon (Water Balloons, etc.). But you
    must stop when the game is over.
    3.) If a Player crashes out of a game; the Team must
    continue without that Player. If you find yourself
    all alone in the game, you win.
    4.) In Single-Player mode (Offline): the Player is the
    Blue team, the CPU Cars are the Red Team. After
    the game if 1 or more balls are found in the Red
    Goal: you lose! Win or lose, it's good for Target
    Practice on slowly moving CPU cars. Pickups on.
    The offline game is worthless.

    **Bugs and Issues: Occasional unwanted repositions. This is only an
    experiment in a different mode of play for Re-Volt.

    --***Tools/Credit: Re-Volt Track Editor/MAKEITGOOD, Adobe, Paint,
    Ali's rvGlue, Ekla prm, and textures off the Web.
    Various images from the Austin Powers movies.

    ©️2001-2024 hilaire9 and RVGL I/O Community.

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