Spa-Volt 1

  • Download count 3028
  • Pageviews 4150
  • Unique foldername spavolt1
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2018-09-01
  • Version from 2024-11-27
  • Version 1.4
  • RVW-ID 1789
  • Category
  • Score
    91/100 (43 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Extreme
  • Track length 595 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    RVGL 18.0731a (or newer) required!

    After 6 months of work, this is my first track, and it's called Spa-Volt 1.

    The track is located at a typical Middle European Spa-Resort.

    There is an indoor and an outdoor area. You drive beside the pools, through the Spa-restaurant, and the changing room area. It's nighttime, and a heavy autumn storm is going on. The gutters can't handle the amount of rain anymore, the thunder is frightening. By contrast, the pools are still romantically illuminated because the Spa was closed only 30 minutes before the RC-cars took over. Not even the cleaning ladies were able to finish their work! So, expect some chaos like mountains of laundry, and a fresh delivery of unopened boxes full of mysterious rubber ducks.

    Major features of Spa-Volt 1:

    • Open-World-like area
    • Challenging race line with a lot of alternative routes
    • Reverse mode
    • Lot of customizations (sounds, materials, spark effects, ...)
    • 12 practice mode ducks ... ehhh ... stars
    • 2 racing ducks ... ehhh ... stars
    • Time trial times to beat
    • 3 ways to finish the race (Different Start/Finish lines)
    • Several eastereggs to find


    Spa-Volt Diary at TRH Forum

    Have fun, and a 'relaxing' time at Spa-Volt! :-)


    Version 1.3 Changes

    • Slightly adjusted the positions of some repo-triggers


    Version 1.4 Changes

    Update courtesy of EstebanMz.

    •  Added AI nodes and modified track zones at the fast path in a way that you can repo without spawning on the slow path (AI remains without attempting to take the fast path).
    • Repo nodes modified on several zones outside the racing line to change the approach you get back to the race line.
    • Tweaks to reposition boxes: extended the repo to the outside pool, now it covers both pools (normal mode) and the box below the chairs at the exit to the outside pool has been shrunk (reversed mode).

5 comments on “Spa-Volt 1

  1. Since the sixth anniversary of SpaVolt, I am sure the track will always be a legend, even in the future modern era of RVGL.

  2. 6 years after its initial release, Spa-Volt 1 got updated to Version 1.4. :) The whole update is courtesy of EstebanMz.

    – Added AI nodes and modified track zones at the fast path in a way that you can repo without spawning on the slow path (AI remains without attempting to take the fast path).
    – Repo nodes modified on several zones outside the racing line to change the approach you get back to the race line.
    – Tweaks to reposition boxes: extended the repo to the outside pool, now it covers both pools (normal mode) and the box below the chairs at the exit to the outside pool has been shrunk (reversed mode).

  3. I think this track is among the best in whole Re-Volt. It’s a very challenging one, fast-flowing, with a lot of ramps and turn changes, tricky corners and some obstacles, so it’s often overlooked as people prefer to play visually brighter and easier to drive tracks.

    Actually after that time I realised that one thing could be still improved, if you want to change that. The WC finish line currently encourages disorderly “yolo” jumps to hit the finish line, this line is also around ~0,4s faster than the other two. Balancing it could be achieved by pushing it a bit further, so the jump would have to be accurate with the exit from the WC, as in the photo.

  4. In 2018, user Kiwi visited a Spa and was inspired to create a Re-Volt track. It was his first track, and the only modelling experience he had got before was from some simple car modelling. However, the resulting track might be the best Re-Volt track ever.
    During the creation process Kiwi gave us a lot of updates and also asked quite some questions (we’ve got such a helpful community!), and if you missed all this you can get a glimpse of it now! Because at The Re-Volt Hideout, our web forum, there is the Spa-Volt Diary, which contains several detailed posts about the creation process. :) Be sure to read the readme of the track also, as it contains some extra flavour.
    So… why is this track so amazing? To start us off, what maybe sets it apart most from other custom tracks and even the stock tracks, is the atmosphere. This track has AMAZING atmosphere. The music adds a lot to it, but even if you turn that off, there’s enough to hear, with over a dozen custom sound effects. And the graphics are breath-taking! The environment is realistic, there is lots to see, and the special effects, aaaah, so many particles and lights! :P Do yourself a favour and go play the track in Practice mode. I just did so again myself and found a really cool easter egg. :)
    But of course, the track was made for racing. And it is so good for that. The raceline is satisfying and challenging, and in multiple places there are different paths you can take for the sake of variety. Offline, the track isn’t super challenging, as the AI seems to get stuck on corners often, as you can see in the video. But online, this is one of the most difficult tracks you’ll come across, and some people have gotten really good at it. :o
    One of the best things RVGL made possible for custom tracks is the introduction of custom surface properties. This track counts… 24. o_O And they all feel very realistic! Some of them you barely notice, but my favourite one is the drainage surface, which is super fun to drive over. :D
    I could try to go on but I think the point is clear… this track is stellar. :) I am sure it will remain being played for the rest of Re-Volt’s lifetime.



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