Spoinky Doinky 1

  • Download count 1259
  • Pageviews 2820
  • Unique foldername sd1
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2023-07-12
  • Version from
  • Version 2.1
  • RVW-ID 37330
  • Category
  • Score
    83/100 (21 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
  • Track difficulty Select an Option
  • Track length 1432 m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Race through an experience of a lifetime.

9 comments on “Spoinky Doinky 1

  1. Hi, I found few repo abuses that I’m not sure are intended
    1. The biggest one is on the slippery long descent, you can skip the 1st “circle” of it – https://kila.s-ul.eu/9t4U8ZES, https://kila.s-ul.eu/eWSwbo2L
    2. You can also get to this descent quicker if you repo right after the jump so you don’t have to worry about rough landing – https://kila.s-ul.eu/vB4Cl9kB
    3. You can go right into the oil without slowing down and going around it (i think this one can be kept as a trick but it’s up to you) – https://kila.s-ul.eu/LOVQn9KP

    12/10 track io main when

  2. A few months ago, a new Re-Volt creator entered the scene: hilarious6. I know very little about them (not even their gender), but their name appeared to be a spoof of that of classic Re-Volt creator hilaire9, of whom I have featured all 100+ tracks in my YouTube series. At least, other people supposed so, personally I am not sure about this connection. Because to me, there is little resemblance between hil’s traçks and hilarious6’s tracks.
    Anyway: This is hilarious6’s latest track, and, despite the 1 in the name, perhaps last. It is a very weird track, featuring pachinko, Pac-Man, and strange, sad, grey pillars. Unfortunately the readme is very minimal, as I would’ve liked to know more about what went into this track. It does say “Race through an experience of a lifetime.” I’m not sure if that means that the experience of this track is very memorable, or if it means that the track is meant to represent someone’s lifetime. What the readme also lacks, strangely, is a reference to The Keep, of which it reuses a sizeable part (the spiral).
    However, all talk about the origins of this track and its creator aside, what do I think of Spoinky Doinky 1? Well, it’s a pretty unique experience, and I commend it for that! The pachinko is the highlight for me, and interestingly, it pretty much sandwiches the track, taking place just after the beginning and shortly before the end. The grey pillars, which I assume to be original, are an intriguing recurring theme throughout the track. In this regard, I especially like the few rooms where you are driving between them and they are making strange noises.
    The graphics are nothing too special, but functional. Lots of sounds were changed, to make the experience even more otherwordly, and in my opinion this works well. The collision sound is especially effective, as it somehow makes sense for both the pachinko and the pillars. The music track doesn’t loop well, and for once, I am okay with that. Because it is actually the length of a regular race. So you won’t hear it restart: instead, at the beginning of the race it’s quiet, to pick up once you really get into it, and as you’re finishing the race, it’s quiet again. This is kind of cool!
    As to challenge, this track is a very weird one. The AI is not capable in this track. You won’t have any difficulty getting first place, I bet. At the same time, there are plenty of really tricky parts, with narrow roads, bumpy terrain and/or a slippery surface type. At parts like the pachinko I somewhat doubt that even advanced Re-Volt players could get it down well without a lot of trial and error. This works great for the track, though. I’m curious if this track will be played online. It would be a pain for B4L, that’s for sure. It could be an interesting finale to a no repos session, although the U-turn with oil on the track (the oil’s part of the track, so it’s always there) could be quite a frustrating part.
    To round it up: this track tries to be weird, and it’s quite successful. It is unique and a experience worth your time. I wonder how it will age.

    Video: https://youtu.be/M3RlJcRfDjU

  3. I’ve been getting a lot of red X’s from the catapult, but aside from that issue, I love it. A truly hilarious track.

  4. This track could have been a sprint track, for the following reasons:
    – the track ends with a reposition to the start line
    – it is long enough in both length and time (it usually takes more than 3 minutes to complete a lap, despite the 02:15:000 time trial challenge, my best time being around 2:42 with Cougar without any major mistake). Most sprint tracks are shorter than this.
    – there are not a lot of Sprint tracks here

    The whole track is made only with a single 256×256 texture file, which is impressive because there is a lot of diversity in this long track.
    The light effects and the custom collision sound fit this track very well.

    There are not enough pos nodes in the last jump, if you are on the right side of the road during the jump, you are going backwards for the pos nodes (also the AI isn’t very good there).

    Congratulations for your 10 tracks in 10 weeks!

  5. This is a very good ending for your 10-tracks-project. Maybe I like it that much because it reminds me about my own experimental tracks (Schizophrenia, Br444in Pollution) in some way. The raceline is so raping and uncomfortable that it’s good again. However, this is this kind of track where the Re-Volt World rating-system come to its limits. So don’t get frustrated by (maybe) some low ratings, but be proud about the fact that you did 10 tracks in 10 weeks, some very good ones, some very innovative and fresh, but every single one real hil would approve, I am sure! :) Very well done, thanks for your tracks, and who knows – maybe there will come more!?

  6. Track of the year 2023, no other contestants to the title can even match this soul-filling experience.


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