- Download count 3808
- Pageviews 4366
- Unique foldername subway
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2021-07-20
- Version from
- Version
- RVW-ID 28370
- Category Standard Track
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction 3D Modeling (Original)
- Track difficulty Medium
- Track length 827 m
- Reverse version available? Yes
- Time trial times available? No
- Practice mode star available? No
- Online multiplayer compatible?
Next stop: Subway.
While not being a hard track, subway will challenge you on your capacity to keep your car in control over the subway lines and bumps.
I'm really glad how this track turned out,
A huge thanks to Tubers for the train model, thanks again to him and hajducseb for playtesting the track aswell.
If you think you can improve the track in any way, feel free to reach me!
Track just got updated!
I tried to reduce the frustrating rail areas, slight AI and visual changes.
Hope you will enjoy it!
I really liked the track, it is not ordinary and the trains are very beautiful and The track is not difficult, I like it.
This is such a cool track! The theme is the same as the classic Human track (Metro-Volt by human), but Subway does not disappoint as an alternative!
This track looks great. Most of it is quite grey, but that fits the theme, and the dullness is broken up by the yellow of the trains and the fun custom posters.
Moreover though, it’s a lot of fun to race! There is plenty of challenge to be found in this track, with the rails to drive over, some swerving to avoid flights of stairs, and a fun construction work section. The ramps that allow skipping parts of the track or getting extra pick-ups add spice to your laps. My only complaint is that the AI isn’t too good. The flow through this track feels so good, however, that I don’t really mind frontrunning; it’s still enjoyable!
The music picked fits well, and improves the overall experience. Subway has potential to become a classic!
Video: https://youtu.be/tnNLTDzMOhs
Hello everyone!
With the upcoming of Subway 2, I took some time to adress issues concerning Subway :
– The final ramp AI problem has (finally) been fixed
– lowered the rails when they were source of frustration (last U turn, jump into the rails, etc…) and placed some ramps to help minimizing the randomness of your landings.
Let me know what you think :)
After having this track for a while I am lowering my visuals rating down to 4 stars. I think when the track first released I was too excited about how good it looked, but my comment about the graphics being stock-like was not really correct. It is quite clear that the texture quality in a lot of places is higher than stock tracks. This is not really a bad thing, it’s just a subjective minus that I feel about the track. It is amazing otherwise and it’s good to see the trigger fixed long time ago by now, however, it is still dubious to have it placed on the ramp itself and not before the hole.
I very much like this track. It is fast paced, offers different racing lines and has some cool tricks that allow to save time. I like the stairs dropdown, it is done very well and isn’t infuriating as cars do not land on the edge of the stairs. There is one place where it’s hard to find an optimal place to drop down onto the rails, but other than that a very well made challenging track.
This is my favorite track of 2021 so far. Me and my brother were battling all day long on this track and we had a lot of fun. The only downside is, that there is a bug at the U-turn were the train blocks the way. If u turn to close, the cross appears and you can’t fix it by tracking back or resetting. But nevertheless it’s a great track. Good job!
nice one I loved it :)
also make part 2 too!
Since you can’t edit posts I will say that I think to avoid issue with the jump on last part of track you can move respawn point to a bit before jumping into hole from there. That way more cars would have chance to do the jump.
Amazing track. Love stock-like graphics (they look stock-like to me at least) and race line. I removed the track from my game however, mostly because between 1st and 12th/16th place there are often 2-3 minutes of difference with cars I have. Many cars, especially classes Rookie to Advanced (didn’t check Advanced yet) have issue with hole and jump near end of lap in the track. I would suggest doing something about it. Thanks for this creation!
Very cool track!
Thanks for your feedback! Track got updated. AI, camera and pos nodes fixes. Let me know if you encounter anything else!
This track is the peak of your track creation career thus far. A very cool, engaging raceline combined with nice graphics make this track an instant classic. However, I found one problem that may have been overlooked. On the part of the track with the crashed train, where you need to make a U turn, you get a red X if you take that turn when you are on the right side of the track. On the left side, it works fine. It might be because you miss a track zone or you are too far from a pos node. Either way, when this gets fixed, this track is a 5/5 for me
I can add Super Bell Subway for a spice-up.
You get 5 points from me only for this amazing hand-crafted posters. I love every single one.
More detailed review and rating will follow later.
And now I have to go back to watch subwayo.bmp and subwayp.bmp again. :)