Sundae Cup Race Series

  • Download count 722
  • Pageviews 1678
  • Unique foldername
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2023-02-19
  • Version from 2023-02-18
  • Version 1.0
  • RVW-ID 35882
  • Category
  • Score
    98/100 (6 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    IMPORTANT: Cup will not work properly unless you clear out ALL existing super pros from your RVGL instance. You must also download my Sundae Cup for the model assets. Detailed information at the very bottom.

    A cup for my Sundae Cup. 8 Sundae Cups. I developed this car with the goal of  having competitive AI to race agaiunst. And now it's your turn to prove your skills verus some 1999 CPUs in three (maybe four later) different cups:

    "Sundae Cup" is a series of 5 races on stock tracks. AI should put up a decent fight, but as long as you drive consistently it shouldn't be much of a challenge.

    "Sundae Social" is a series of 5 races on IO main-pack tracks with the theme of "having fun around town." The tracks are trickier, but the CPUs are not that fast around the corners. Again, consistent driving wins races.

    "Sundae Tour" is a series of 7 races on IO main-pack tracks with the theme of "travel and exotica." On top of the tracks being more technical, the CPUs have faster pace. You have to be properly quick in order to win all the races.



    • The goal of these cups are to demonstrate you can have engaging "fair fights" against CPUs as opposed to breezing through Platinum Cup in a rookie car.
    • The player will drive the super-pro car "Vanilla" which looks and drives exactly the same as the normal Sundae Cup. All the cars in this pack are super pro due to limitations in designing custom cups (you can't actually choose specific vehicles, only classes). Vanilla was included as a redundancy because the game would not choose 7 opponent cars correctly without an 8th super pro.
    • You can drive any other advanced-class car you want, or even challenge yourself with amateur cars (I'd like to see someone try with non-OP ones), but I have designed this cup specifically for my one car.
    • The CPU car parameters are a bit different from those on the normal Sunday Cup. Six of them have the same stats but slightly tweaked AI parameters for some variation. Chocoloco (folder Sundae2) and Strawbaron (Sundae3) are your "rivals" with enhanced stats to better match pace with the player and come out on top more often. They are about as fast as a low/mid-tier semi-pro car when driven by a player.
    • Tracks were chosen primarily for CPU pace/consistency, then for pickup locations (should be accessible to the CPU without deviating from the racing line), then for theme.
    • Unfortunately races become very easy once you have a sizeable gap; with how pickups affect lap times and how equal the CPUs are in skill, they will probably slow each other down. Alternatively, a bad start might make it impossible to place even 3rd. Just the nature of the game.


    Sundae Cup tracks:

    • Toys in the Hood 1, 3 laps
    • Botanical Garden, 6 laps
    • Museum 2, 4 laps
    • Toy World 2, 5 laps
    • Ghost Town 2, 4 laps


    Sundae Social tracks:


    Sundae Tour tracks:


    Instructions/tips for Windows users:

    • You must not have any super pro cars in your game instance or else this cup will not work as intended.
    • You must download the car Sundae Cup. It is needed for the 3d models.
    • You must have the "io-tracks" pack in your installation or have the required tracks downloaded manually.
    • The zip contains a cup folder and cars folder. The cars folder contains the special vehicles Sundae1-8.


    With RVGL Launcher:

    • If you have the RVGL launcher, uncheck all car packs (with super pro cars). Any pack is alright to leave active unless it contains super pro cars.
    • Activate the "io-tracks" and "local" packs.
    • In the Local tab of the launcher, select all the super pro cars (or all for convinience) and click "Remove Selected Files. OR



    • From the root directory, go to packslocalcars and delete/backup to another folder the super pro cars (or all).

1 comment on “Sundae Cup Race Series

  1. i really like the preview picture here. a nice idea so this is well made despite it being your first cup as i know of


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