SWR: Abyss

  • Download count 4329
  • Pageviews 5220
  • Unique foldername swr_ordibanna3
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2021-09-23
  • Version from 2021-09-22
  • Version 1.0
  • RVW-ID 29785
  • Category
  • Score
    100/100 (4 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Select an Option
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Remodel/Conversion)
  • Track difficulty Extreme
  • Track length 1781 m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Eh? Where am I? Oh, I'm uploading something to Re-Volt again after so long, who would've thought!?

    Anyway, you'll need the latest version of RVGL for this track (21.0905a-1) as I've used the sound effects for animated objects in this... you should have your game updated in general anyway.

    == About ==

    Star Wars Episode I Racer is one of my favorites games of all time, and I always wanted to convert some tracks from this game. Now the opportunity has finally shown itself. Matsilagi requested me to make this, and since he was so kind to give me all of the assets I needed (models, textures, etc), I was able to convert the track with flying colors.

    Abyss is my favorite track from the original game due to its infamous nature... I feel deeply connected to it as I've have raged and raged in the past. There are no pickups in my conversion, as I felt it would've been a clusterfuck in the tunnels (and I was very lazy). The original game didn't have any so in a way it's accurate.

    Super Pros or any fast cars are recommended for this track as it can be pretty long, especially if you fall off to the wrong route...

12 comments on “SWR: Abyss

  1. It’s fun to drive along the narrow path of the bridge while trying not to fall. It’s a little shorter than the Zugga Challenge but has a similar vibe

  2. Oops, my bad. My RVGL is a bit older, so I deleted the sound effects of the custom models from the custom_animations.txt, and the bimp and laser are showing just fine.
    (No, I don’t want to update my RVGL just yet, because Huki’s latest has it’s hood cam messed up when flipped, but I like to run “Rotorized” sometimes).

  3. For some reason, the blimp and the start laser don’t show for me. The custom sounds and the custom countdown work. Also, the pigs at Fairground 1 work for me. What could be the reason?
    P.S. I have the same problem with Zugga…

  4. Okay, I made my Pod Racer smaller, just for this track, and it runs perfect now!! Everywhere, actually. Thanks, Mr. Roblinx.
    Updated it here and at Re-Volt Zone, too.

    New vids of a new race with my new, smaller versions:

    The smaller [Whole Take-Off] version of Pod Racer, RL variant (not RC)
    Replay cameras: far follow cam, near follow cam, hood cam.

    The same with smaller [Pod Take-Off] version of Pod Racer, RL variant (not RC)
    Replay cameras: far follow cam, dev rota-cam (like race-end, Ctrl+F11), reverse hood cam.

    And a better angle since there were no track cameras:
    The smaller [Whole Take-Off] version of Pod Racer, RL variant (not RC)
    Replay cameras: manual TV free cam (F6).

    And then I saw this original race:
    Comparable when using hood cam, if I do say so myself :)

  5. @rodik:

    @Mr. Roblinx:
    No offence taken. I tried it, and yes, it’s a bit cramped. But I made the Pod Racer in proportion with other cars, so I don’t want to lose that proportion, either.
    Anyways, my cramped race is here: :)

    The [Whole Take-Off] version of Pod Racer, RL variant (not RC)
    Replay cameras: far follow cam, near follow cam, hood cam.

    The same with [Pod Take-Off] version of Pod Racer, RL variant (not RC)
    Replay cameras: far follow cam, near follow cam, hood cam.

    And a better angle since there were no track cameras:
    The [Whole Take-Off] version of Pod Racer, RL variant (not RC)
    Replay cameras: TV free cam (F6) (and rear hood view cam for a moment in the end).

    And as always, the hood cam looks the speediest.

  6. @Kiwi

    Thanks for the kind words Kiwi.

    Yes, I do know about the demo, that’s the first I’ve played of this game too, but then I got the full version years later. Honestly I don’t know if I’ll ever make the demo track as it is very simple… maybe in the far far future.

    This track is indeed an attempt at a 1:1 conversion; and the farclip, while I understand may be outdated and could look strange for a lot of people, is going to continue being part of the track. Maybe in the future I’ll have a better solution for this, but I feel the appeal (and painfulness) of Abyss is not knowing what comes next before it hits you.

    I’ll certainly bring over more pod racer tracks in the future! I’m already working on another one right now. Thanks for welcoming me back!


    I don’t mean this as a rude comment since your pod racer creation is impressive, but I feel like it is a tad too big for this track…

  7. Very cool. I remember I played the Star Wars Episode I Racer demo around the same time when I also played Re-Volt for the first time. Must have been in summer 1999 or so. The memories I have for this demo version are very good, but I never ended in buying the full game. So I also don’t know this specific track. I think the track used in the demo version was a different one. Fun fact: I can remember I called myself “Sebulba” for a short period of time, because of this game… :P

    OK, now to your version of the track. All in all it’s really cool. I played with a Super Pro car, and it was a great experience. I guess you did a 1:1 conversion? So I won’t talk too much about graphics, raceline and such. Just one thing: I know farclip settings were a very common thing in the 90’s, and I grew up with them. But nowadays it just feels strange to see the background pop up in an extreme way like in this track. If there would be kind of a “real” nebula, it wouldn’t look that strange I guess. But combined with having a skybox it feels very very unnatural and strange.

    But other than that – very good job with this track! I hope to see more of the Star Wars Episode I Racer tracks from you. Keep up the good work, and welcome back!


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