- Download count 1209
- Pageviews 2441
- Unique foldername tetanic
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2022-04-30
- Version from 2022-04-27
- Version 1.1
- RVW-ID 32804
- Category Lego Track
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction Track Editor (Lego)
- Track difficulty Medium
- Track length 687 m
- Reverse version available? Yes
- Time trial times available? Yes
- Practice mode star available? No
- Online multiplayer compatible?
The Re-Volt World release of Tetanic is finally here! This track is one of two winners of Re-Volt Amerca's Track Editor contest hosted in September 2021 for their 2021-2022 season. If you played RVA often you should know this track pretty well.
It was raced regularly on Re-Volt America's sessions from September 2021 to April 2022. Now that the RVA season has ended the track has been retired, so I've decided, thanks to TT's recommendation, to have it available on Re-Volt World to preserve the track in the future.
Things to know about the RVW version of the track:
The track folder has been changed from the default USER_xxxx folder name to a custom folder name to comply with folder name upload rules, so for Re-Volt if you still have both the RVA version and the RVW version they're gonna be recognized as two separate tracks, remove the RVA version to make sure you're all driving the same "track".
The track now has a proper reverse version, it was always available, but it was incomplete in RVA since it was never needed to begin with, but since it was there already i decided to do some "makeitgood" on it for this release.
The track's name is courtesy of BGM.
It’s very nice to see a classic Lego track released from time to time. This one is fun to race on, also in singleplayer mode. I like the gentle graphical adjustments compared to an out-of-the-box Lego track. Especially the chosen colour palette is very good.
Overall this is a high quality classic Lego track. Good job (again), Powerate.
While not exactly my favourite Lego track of the RVA pack, it was certainly one of the tracks that could lead to a quick escape if you knew the raceline well enough, and that’s why for me at least it’s gonna be remembered as one of the better tracks from the season, despite it being blind corner heaven.
It had a good run, but it didn’t make the cut this time :(
And the “makeitgood” details are a great touch, thanks for the track!