- Download count 477
- Pageviews 1167
- Unique foldername Turns
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2020-08-08
- Version from 2020-09-10
- Version
- RVW-ID 3635
- Category Lego Track
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction Track Editor (Lego)
- Track difficulty
- Track length 1159 m
- Reverse version available? No
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
RVGL version is required.
LEGO track with changed sounds and Al nodes, Pos nodes, Track Zones.
I hope you like it.
You can watch the video on my YouTube channel:
Updates (10/08/2020)
Removed the ceiling. Added Split.
Updates (10/09/2020)
Slightly corrected the path of artificial intelligence.
It seems at first to be a basic track editor track with altered sounds, fxpage and textures. It is however more interesting than that: the racing path is not that generated by the track editor. Sometimes you have to take a turn at a crossroad, for example, and there are a lot of places where part of the road is missing, and you are elevated by a force field. The racing path is not too good, in my opinion, but at least it’s pretty unique, with the force fields. The custom sounds and graphics are rather strange, and at first I thought that this was a case of custom “just because I can”. On further consideration, though, I think there’s a purpose to the strange custom sounds: it makes the track feel otherworldly. This theme matches the preview picture and the UFO pick-ups. The AI is also surprisingly decent.
But while this track is a lot better than it seemed at first sight, I don’t think it’s much fun to play. A lot of that is probably caused by the track being double-sized: that is very rarely a good idea. The track is long and tedious. It’s not terrible, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Video: https://youtu.be/mmrBwKsjuUg