- Download count 1475
- Pageviews 2735
- Unique foldername venicearcade
- Skin for
- Track Mod for
- Based on
- Release date 2014-08-12
- Version from
- Version
- RVW-ID 1701
- Category Standard Track
- Score
- Unconventional car?
- Construction
- Engine
- Transmission
- Top speed mph
- Total weight kg
- Acceleration m/s²
- Construction
- Track difficulty
- Track length 616 m
- Reverse version available? Yes
- Time trial times available?
- Practice mode star available?
- Online multiplayer compatible?
This is the version of Venice that has been shipped with the arcade version.
Files have been fixed by me and ThugsRook.
This is basically a friendlier version of Venice. I recommend playing it with friends or your family as it's way more fun and forgiving.
Have fun!
- Marv
To be completely honest, Arcade version of Venice always just kinda sucked. The original version is probably more infuriating to race on than Museum 1, which says a lot, since here you not only have the wallbanging issue, but also, the issue of water hazards coming to get you. Also, as 607 has already noted before: The walls completely ruin the aesthetic of the track – Or rather, at least, that is how I view it. I really hope someone gets to make a proper Venice track someday – One that is not as infuriating to race on as this one, but also one that doesn’t include the walls. Venice is a track that really deserves that kind of treatment.
This is quite a special version of Gabor’s classic Venice track, released in June 2002. It was included in the arcade version of Re-Volt that was released in September 2004. This game includes several tracks from the original game, some of which made easier, as well as one brand new track, and… a modified version of a custom track. I suppose Gabor must have given permission for use of the track in the game, which is interesting to consider, as the game was released over two years after the release of Venice, which was Gabor’s last of three tracks. It also makes one wonder whether any other custom tracks were considered for inclusion.
Besides these interesting questions, though, the track is not of much value in my opinion. Venice is a great classic, and this version could be considered to make it more accessible, as argued by Marv, who in 2014 brought the track to PC Re-Volt in collaboration with ThugsRook. However, I think the challenge is a big part of the appeal of Venice. Besides, this version of the track often doesn’t look as good. I particularly dislike the walls in the inside area, they ruin the view there.
So you had better just play the original! But it is very interesting that this version exists, and I’m glad it is easily available to everyone. I do think it would’ve been good if the archive included a readme.
Video: https://youtu.be/4Zo_l6evf6U