The Great Silence

  • Download count 3092
  • Pageviews 4641
  • Unique foldername winterwest
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2021-01-02
  • Version from 2023-09-30
  • Version 1.4b
  • RVW-ID 366
  • Category
  • Score
    92/100 (44 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Remodel/Conversion)
  • Track difficulty Extreme
  • Track length 584 m
  • Reverse version available? Yes
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This track is named after and dedicated to the Spaghetti Western film directed and co-written by Sergio Corbucci, which take place at a town named "Snow Hill". It's one of the few Western films having a winter scenario.

    The track is based on the Ghost Town tracks but has new areas as well: A train station with a locomotive, a frozen lake with slippery ice surface, a cemetery with a church and a stable with horses.

    Snow-, ice-, and hay-surfaces with custom SFX and custom particle effects!

    Laptime with a Pro-car: Around 50 seconds.

    150.000 Polygons, optimized as good as possible by the intense use of Visiboxes.

    • Custom SFX!
    • Reverse version!
    • Practice mode star!


    RVGL 20.1230a or later required.

    Details about used resources in the included README.

    Thx for playing, have fun!

    Version 1.4 Update

    • Moved position of bottles in the saloon
    • Reduced amount of racing stars to one

    Version 1.4b Update

    • Updated README (Permissions/Copyright)

9 comments on “The Great Silence

  1. Exceptionally atmospheric track. World’s first ever track to have a shortcut below a horses legs? It requires some practise, paths aren’t perfectly obvious, so call this track advanced to learn, but in fact easy to drive. One little suggestion: After the first ramp, going straight into the tent section feels too much of a hassle to be useful. Pickups can be found on the more direct racing line as well. So the tent must be upgraded (more pickups) or the pickups of normal line should be removed.

  2. If you’ve been following Re-Volt custom content somewhat over the last few years, you’ll know that Kiwi is one of the best, if not the best, at creating atmosphere in Re-Volt.
    The Great Silence, released in January 2021 and last updated in April 2022, is no exception. The track is a reference to the 1968 revisionist Spaghetti Western of the same name. It uses modelling from Ghost Town 1 and Ghost Town 2 from the original game, giving the impression that this track is set in the same place, but on a snowy night. New parts were added as well, such as a stable and a frozen lake. Kiwi showed it before with School’s Out!, but he knows how to take stock content and transform it into a great new creation.
    The track is fun to play; I’m sure I haven’t quite figured out all the routes to take yet. On an earlier take I noticed the AI taking a shortcut, so I did that too, but there might be more alternative routes available. One complaint that I have concerns the track being based on stock material: in one spot, if you take the turn from the original track (which agrees with the direction trigger) you’ll get punished by driving into a dead end. This should have been closed off completely, if it wasn’t still a valid path. Another potential issue is that the track is very dark, which can cause problems in some setups (like playing in a bright room, or… watching on YouTube).
    Overall though, this is undoubtedly a great track! There are lots of snow themed tracks, lots of Ghost Town based tracks, and this isn’t even the first track combining the two themes, but the atmosphere here is unrivalled. :) You really get a complete experience, which already starts at the preview picture… that might be the coolest I’ve ever seen!


  3. After the updates to the track this feels so much better. The front runner might not always go for the star and other minor improvements were very good, too.

  4. Those improvements are neat! The star removal was probably expected but I had no clue on which one you were gonna decide on, also an undocumented change that I noticed is that the remaning star is now placed slightly more up that ramp where it sits on, I guess it should make it harder to get or maybe it can enable new racing lines on the inside of the fence/railing in order to grab it.
    I would’ve liked the bottles to be gone for Online sessions but I think this should be a great compromise, the bottles are pretty much out of the way of the racing area now. If somehow someone happened to hit them now, they should be more worried about going around the nearby bar stools instead of the bottles.

  5. Updated to Version 1.4: Moved the position of the bottles in the saloon, and reduced the amount of racing stars to one.

  6. It’s grown on me as one of my favourite tracks, online players have expressed their annoyance towards the bottles in the bar section. That section may improve a lot in online races if bottles were disabled in multiplayer games (like they are in supermarket 1 for example).

  7. A major update for the track got released today.

    – New start/finish line position to avoid “finish early” bug
    – Improved “rail jump” area: Added snow on rails to prevent repo issue
    – Improved horse stable area: Wider raceline by removing part of the fence
    – Wider tunnel exit (entry at Reversed version)
    – Brightened tunnel exit to graveyard
    – Added wooden box at Reversed version saloon exit, to make raceline more clear
    – Removed annoying wooden box at Ghost Town 1 (R) uphill area, after the saloon
    – Ice on frozen lake less slippery
    – Changed some pickup positions

  8. The balance between new and reused content is excellent here, it manages to feel fresh while also following the Ghost Town theme and reusing parts of it with a twist that is the snow, I think it’s among the best examples of stock track remodel done well.
    The visuals are great too, the snowfall combined with nighttime, the fog and the lanterns make for a very immersive track, I especially like the train station area where the railway seems to just go on. Found some spots where I personally would have added some faces, as it’s not hard to get up high enough with the car to notice, but it’s something the devs themselves didn’t bother to do so I wouldn’t necessarily call it an overlook. (example:
    The racing line feels just as good, the terrain and custom materials are spot-on, though I couldn’t help but notice you used the carpet/rough terrain skidsound for the wood floor? The reversed line isn’t quite as enjoyable as the normal one, but that is to be expected. I still wish it flowed a bit better with less sharp/narrow turns to slow the cars down.
    I feel like the challenge time was a bit too easy at 47s, I did 45.8s with some mistakes.
    Great job, overall.

  9. This is a woderfull track. It’s in our content pack. But the horses doesn’t have to be. That’s my opinion. We are still in Re-Volt. But the rest is super cool.



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