Wipeout 3 Ship Pack

  • Download count 1642
  • Pageviews 3344
  • Unique foldername
  • Skin for DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2021-09-06
  • Version from 2021-09-17
  • Version 2a
  • RVW-ID 29468
  • Category
  • Score
    95/100 (4 votes)
  • Unconventional car? Yes
  • Construction Conversion
  • Engine Special
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    "Feel the rush of high energy F7200 anti-gravity crafts, now revitalized and miniaturized!"

    this Wip3out pack is a collaboration of Matsilagi and Shara.
    it features 8 selectable cars that can compete against each other, along with 1 extra car that is specifically tuned for extreme high speeds. each car features a default skin, beta skins, and additional color skins.

    these car conversions are made to be faithful to the idea of Wipeout series, being a series of anti-gravity racers. these cars actually "float" above the ground, made to feel like an actual anti-gravity hovercraft, leaning into corners with ground stabilization and floaty handling. the handling model is a mixture between the fast-paced precision of the original Wipeout trilogy and the weighty momentum of modern Wipeout installments.

    the conversion pack includes:
    - F7200 FEISAR              (easy control)
    - F7200 Goteki45            (glacial tank)
    - F7200 Auricom             (all-rounder)
    - F7200 Piranha              (fast and loose)
    - F7200 Qirex                 (heavy rocket)
    - F7200 AG Systems       (fragile speedster)
    - F7200 Assegai             (tight cornering)
    - F7200 Icaras               (pure top speed)
    x- F7200 DragPrototype  (extra: extreme prototype)

    - Matsilagi: prepared models, ripped sounds, provided info of Wipeout series, wip review and test, carbox design, thumbnail ideas
    - Shara: port models into Re-Volt, car parameters, carbox revision, thumbnail artwork

    programs used
    - NinjaRipper: rip vehicle models
    - TIMViewer: view and export TIM files of PSX games
    - wipeout_cmp: convert wipeout texture arrays to TIM files
    - Milkshape3D: assign textures to obj model and prepare meshes
    - Blender: model polish and port into re-volt
    - Paint.NET: texture modifications, carbox creation
    - PSound: rip engine sound and rip horn sound
    - MediBang Paint: art drawing program used by Shara to create the thumbnail artwork

    other mentions
    - Julsilagi (Matsilagi's brother): major help in preparing models
    - Psygnosis / Studio Liverpool: original creators of Wipeout series
    - BallisticNG community: motivation and references
    - Huki and RVGL devs: fixing engine bugs in RVGL, that allows these vehicles to be playable


4 comments on “Wipeout 3 Ship Pack

  1. What did you change? I like the angle-reset, can I restore it somehow for my own use?
    (specifically Assegai and DragPrototype)

  2. Wipeout 3 conversion pack has received a major handling revision update:

    – steering is now way smoother and controllable, no more fighting with stiff ‘angle-reset’.
    – “wheel” location is now positioned right at the edge of the wing tips, this makes it easier to comprehend the collision bounds of the vehicles.

  3. That is also a very nice, Wipeout-like idea of how make them lean and slide at the same time.
    (Assegai is gonna be a mainstay in my garage.)


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