Wipeout FX350 Ship Pack

  • Download count 464
  • Pageviews 823
  • Unique foldername
  • Skin for DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2024-12-15
  • Version from 2024-12-11
  • Version 1
  • RVW-ID 42096
  • Category
  • Score
    100/100 (4 votes)
  • Unconventional car? Yes
  • Construction Conversion
  • Engine Special
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    "Experience the apex of anti-gravity racing, redefining the zenith presence of FX350 performance"

    this Wipeout FX350 pack is a collaboration of Matsilagi and Shara.
    it features 12 selectable cars that can compete against each other.
    each car features a default skin and additional color skins.

    these car conversions are made to be faithful to the idea of Wipeout series, being a series of anti-gravity racers. these cars actually "float" above the ground, made to feel like an actual anti-gravity hovercraft, leaning into corners with ground stabilization and floaty handling.

    the handling model is a culmination of anti-gravity design based on modern Wipeout titles (Wipeout HD) featuring a unique and authentic control of bike-esque balanced floating and leaning while retaining ease of play, with functioning animated airbrake flaps. the realized magnum opus of Wipeout implementation in Re-Volt.

    the conversion pack includes:
    - FX350 FEISAR         (midweight control)
    - FX350 AG Systems  (midweight agility)
    - FX350 Goteki 45      (midweight thrust)
    - FX350 Mirage          (midweight speed)
    - FX350 Harimau       (lightweight control)
    - FX350 Assegai        (lightweight agility)
    - FX350 EG-X            (lightweight thrust)
    - FX350 Icaras          (lightweight speed)
    - FX350 Auricom       (heavyweight control)
    - FX350 Qirex           (heavyweight agility)
    - FX350 Triakis          (heavyweight thrust)
    - FX350 Piranha        (heavyweight speed)

    - Shara: ripped models, port models into Re-Volt, car parameters, carbox design, thumbnail design
    - Matsilagi: prepared sounds, provided info of Wipeout series, wip review and test

    programs used
    - AssetStudio: rip assets (models, textures, sounds) from unity game source
    - Blender: model polish and port into re-volt
    - Paint.NET: texture modifications, carbox creation, thumbnail creation
    - Audacity: editing engine sounds to make them sound as source material
    - Izotope RX 9: engine sound audio repair

    other mentions
    - burner94: an idea of using bike leaning to complement the hover
    - Psygnosis / Studio Liverpool: original developer of Wipeout series
    - Amuzo & Rogue Games: developer and publisher of Wipeout Rush (also known as Wipeout Merge)
    - Huki and RVGL devs: fixing game engine physics bugs in RVGL, that allows these vehicles to be playable

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