
  • Download count 1470
  • Pageviews 1924
  • Unique foldername Yarborough
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Release date 2022-01-14
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 31057
  • Category
  • Score
    99/100 (4 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Original
  • Engine Glow
  • Transmission RWD
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Strawberries: "An RC Landyacht? Why not? Sometimes, when there's literal RC boats with wheels out there, you can rival them with this almighty landyacht! Basically, what i did to make this model was to use one of my SA mods (Emperor Sedan) as a base for this scratch-made model. It turns out, it'd fit pretty much well"
    FrenchFry: Strawberries makes his glorious return to the Re-Volt community with this beautiful Caddie. When I first saw the WIP model, I thought of old Nascars from the 70's. Cale Yarborough being one of the people involved in the incident that made NASCAR so popular, I found it appropriate. Being a land yacht, I made it heavy and an absolute menace to lightweight cars. Decent all around.  I hope everyone enjoys it! Thanks to Burner and TT for various fixes. Extra skins were made by Burner, TT, Xarc, and Riini. Paintkit included.
    Disclaimer: This car was designed for offline use. Further improvements will up to our discretion.

    Skin list:

    - TT
    carlowrider - based on the Crusero Excellente from the original Mightnight Club.
    carmuscle - based on striped muscle car
    cartwpd - based on Bluesmobile from the 1980 film " The Blues Brothers" which was filmed in my hometown

    - burner94
    carcab - based on a cab seen in Crazy Taxi

    - Strawberries
    caryarbiegirl - based on Mary Kay Cadillacs

    - Xarc
    carxarc - based on a Nascar

    - Riini
    carorsml - based on a Nascar

1 comment on “Yarborough

  1. Well, how’s this for a surprise..a land yacht that actually kicks ass! Not only it is RWD, don’t underestimate it unless you wanna be sunk. Tis behemoth of a car not only back it up with weight and speed – it may also understeer but holy fuck, it is very stable! Handles everything perfectly, especially battery despite being RWD, doesn’t flip about much when using it, extra stable yet understeery on slippery surfaces.

    Plus it looks like a DeVille/Brougham, guilty pleasure over those cars (especially with how Flo remastered the Elegant too, except that one is a Rookie), the paint jobs are all winners. Two issues with the paintjobs if you care about fixing, pure black wheels for the car strike skin, as well they are poorly misaligned compared to the other paint jobs. And the police/bluesmobile skin has pure black on the side big text.

    Other than these minor issues, they do not affect the car. This is a winner!


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