Category: Tracks

This is the main category containing all community created tracks. Subcategories are Circuit Tracks, Sprint Tracks, Battle Tag Arenas, Stunt Arenas and Lego Tracks. Every released track is part of this category AND part of a fitting sub-category. If you want to browse through tracks from a more specific category, use the main menu navigation and navigate for example to “Tracks” -> “Battle Tag Arenas”.

 1 Comment on Giant GreenHouse: Redux

Giant GreenHouse: Redux

58/100 (7)

Standard Track

Wildwood Grove

80/100 (11)

Standard Track

Bijou Speedzone

72/100 (7)

Standard Track
 1 Comment on The Great Giana Sisters Updated

The Great Giana Sisters Updated

74/100 (12)

Standard Track
 7 Comments on Paper Town 1

Paper Town 1

83/100 (24)

Standard Track

RC Hood

51/100 (4)

Standard Track

Jedi Oasis

59/100 (4)

Standard Track
 2 Comments on Detached


70/100 (2)

Standard Track


62/100 (6)

Lego Track
 5 Comments on Sotc: Leo’s Cave

Sotc: Leo’s Cave

89/100 (12)

Standard Track
 1 Comment on TM4: The Bedroom

TM4: The Bedroom

78/100 (5)

Battle Tag Arena
 3 Comments on SWR: Zugga Challenge

SWR: Zugga Challenge

98/100 (4)

Standard Track

LMS Neighborhood

72/100 (4)

Misc. Track
 12 Comments on SWR: Abyss

SWR: Abyss

100/100 (3)

Standard Track
 7 Comments on Jimsonweeds Raceway

Jimsonweeds Raceway

90/100 (18)

Standard Track
 1 Comment on Two Neighborhoods Battle

Two Neighborhoods Battle

92/100 (3)

Battle Tag Arena
 2 Comments on Two neighborhoods Stunts

Two neighborhoods Stunts

95/100 (7)

Stunt Arena
 3 Comments on Two neighborhoods

Two neighborhoods

74/100 (18)

Sprint Track
 4 Comments on Museum Unleashed

Museum Unleashed

76/100 (12)

Standard Track
 4 Comments on Déréalisation


79/100 (20)

Standard Track
 15 Comments on Toy World 3

Toy World 3

89/100 (40)

Standard Track
 3 Comments on Mycelium


76/100 (10)

Standard Track
 4 Comments on Wormhole


77/100 (21)

Standard Track
 1 Comment on Kindiak Volt Park

Kindiak Volt Park

53/100 (5)

Standard Track