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95/100 (6 votes)

Released on December 4, 2022 - I guess this is part of the AI Generated project, now? Basically, I reused an AI generated image that was originally used for LivingWithGames' Cyberluxe. He said it's ok if I reuse it, and so I did Handling wise, it's a bit rail-like, but you can try to oversteer by simply taking off the accelerator A...

85/100 (12 votes)

Released on October 21, 2022 - Probably the first car for Re-Volt to be made in Blockbench. Based on an assortment of 1950's cars. Its handling is very different from how it looks, being drifty and rather prone to spinout. Also, it doesn't like the battery very much. I've included a skin to sort of justify its quirky handling. ...