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Spring Visit
Standard Track

Tuesday, 20th August 2024

I think this is your best track so far. Most of it is because track is not so wide and empty anymore. I like the multiple paths you can take and the sharp turns. Pickup placement could be maybe better though. Too many pickups are at the edge of the track making them practically useless. It's no big deal but when you race with less cars there is a chance that most of these pickups are in bad places and the leader can snatch most of the useful pickups.

Stock Tracks Time Trial Starts
Track Mod

Wednesday, 22nd May 2024

Nice idea. This will be very useful for time trialing. Thanks Kilabarus!

Elementary 1
Standard Track

Wednesday, 7th February 2024

@ZipperZbieracz I think only smoothened door is in Elementary 2.

Elementary 2
Standard Track

Wednesday, 7th February 2024

I agree with ZZ, I would do something about the first corner door especially when I think every other door in your tracks have proper collision. In your design philosophy there should be collision there. We are not babies, we can handle doors. There is no need to safeguard us from the evils of the world. Also the grid in the narrow part before the finish line has a weird collision to safeguard the player but maybe it's ok idk. Otherwise great tracks and visuals as always, keep it up!

Standard Track

Wednesday, 24th January 2024

Amazing track guys! First laps in and I really like the theme and the obstacles and the music as well. In my opinion it is too dark in most parts of the track and it is too hard to see where you're going and dodging oils is as frustrating as in Museum 2 dark parts. I hope you would fix this or I have to change the brightness every time I race this track :D Anyways, overall a great track with much to explore!

Fantaisie n°1
Standard Track

Thursday, 18th January 2024

Racing line is weird but I like the fish.

Jailhouse Frontend

Sunday, 10th September 2023

Very detailed work as always. My only problem is that the trophys look very underwhelming compared to the original frontend. Apart from that, amazing job!

Ghost Town 2: Improved AI Nodes
Track Mod

Friday, 8th September 2023

This one feels like it's rushed... Next to nothing has been changed and some obvious improving ideas have been neglected (ex. why not doing anything to the narrowest part of the track when AI slows down there for no apparent reason?). Many corners could be improved in speed and consistency but it looks like there are just stock nodes almost everywhere. I have been testing all your works with Mouse against the stock cars and this is the first time I was disappointed because I don't really see the improvement.

Toytanic 1/2: Improved AI Nodes
Track Mod

Friday, 8th September 2023

Could be improved further by placing more nodes in the corners to smoothen the AI line. With this amount it is a very good job though. When racing against the AI it looks really good.

Toukka 4×4
Rookie Car

Wednesday, 23rd August 2023

I was just stating my opinion so people could feel that Toukka is more fun than frustrating in online play.