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AM-Bio Decimator GT2 Pack
Car Pack

Saturday, 15th February 2025

So this is exactly the same car as the 2017 AM-Bio Decimator just with a spoiler. The 4 cars in the pack are all the same and all have the same parameters. It seems that they have separate parameter files with the only purpose being to reference their own car boxes featuring the different skins. If that's correct, might as well have made one car with multiple skins in the folder. So is this pack just about the deck boxes?

LMS Sealand
Misc. Track

Thursday, 13th February 2025

So I wasn't familiar with what LMS meant. Did a search on youtube for Re-volt LMS to find that it's an arena knockout game mode called Last Man Standing. I assume it was invented by the community (to be played within the game, not as a general concept) as it's not a game mode in the original game. When I first loaded this track I couldn't fathom what was going on. Now it makes sense. Thanks.

Pro Car

Thursday, 13th February 2025

Sounds exciting, wonder what was discovered and how. Must be a cool story. Don't suppose it would include the real parameters for some of the cars? By the way, the parameters for CGW in the dev pack are the same and the parameters in the 17-pack. Very round numbers, as opposed to the random-looking figures in this download here. Wonder what the origins of both are. Were they both just made up, just by different people? You mentioned it's originally a Rookie. How do we know? Would be nice to have a description here explaining some of the background story. Like what are demo cars. Then this was never in Dreamcast then?

LMS Sealand
Misc. Track

Thursday, 13th February 2025

Is this just a platform for multiplayer to try to push one another off the edge?

Mario Kart RV Pack

Thursday, 13th February 2025

Is there a reason the .pack file in this was not renamed into a zip file and then just that uploaded here? There is also a "cars" folder in the archive that seems to serve no purpose, which I ended up just deleting. Is it needed for anything, and if not why the extra step of having to read a readme file to rename an extension? Was having just the 10 cars packed into a zip not feasible? I feel I might be missing something.

Improved AI Nodes
Track Mod

Thursday, 13th February 2025

Thanks, so just unpack into root folder and it unpacks and overwrites automatically just like pretty much any other download. In that case I should have the improved nodes tracks. But did not see a difference. How much harder does this mod make the races? Or is there a way to 100% tell the nodes have been updated? Like do cars take shortcuts at higher odds etc.? I think I noticed them going through the alleyway in nhood1, but that's narrow and winding, with cars that take that route falling behind, leaving less of a competition. I assumed the new nodes give more competition and make it harder to win, not more varied routes taken regardless of route difficulty. That is, if the update applied correctly. But then I did not see them going through the alleyway before. A bit confused still.

Improved AI Nodes
Track Mod

Thursday, 13th February 2025

Okay so I went into the nhood1 folder and renamed "" into "the". The cars instantly went off the track and started bumping into walls. This can't be right. Did I misunderstand something?

Pro Car

Thursday, 13th February 2025

What category was this in Dreamcast? The car pack named "17 Lost Cars from the Dreamcast Version" lists this car as Rookie and has different parameters. What was the car like in Dreamcast and why are there 2 versions of it? Did this (and then all the other cars as well) in that pack have just made-up parameters? How were the parameters for the standalones here determined? Speed etc. seem to be very random figures. Who to trust?

Improved AI Nodes
Track Mod

Monday, 10th February 2025

A bit of help please. I downloaded and extracted it into the root RVGL folder, overwriting the contents of the "Levels" folder. Is there anything else I need to do? I do not have RVGL Launcher, just regular RVGL, also I do not believe I have a default.txt or anything else in the Packs folder. I find the instructions a bit confusing. Thanks for any help. P.S. Just extracting I tried Toys in the Hood 1 but did not notice any difference, the opponents do not take shortcuts, etc. Does not seem to be harder. I feel like I am missing something.

Attitude City
Standard Track

Sunday, 19th January 2025

You know the two jump ramps built into the road with that gap between the start and the end of the jumps? Cars get stuck in there and can't get out. Especially bad with rookie cars. And I don't see the point of the star if you have to go the long way to get it. Otherwise it wouldn't be too bad.