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  Offroadasis 2
79/100 (8 votes)

Released on September 7, 2024 - This is the second part of Offroasis, just longer and with aphalt. Made by using built-in curves in Blender 3.4. Road texture was modified to be infinite and some other textures too... Map was based on both "Ancient City" and "Coast" from Pocket Rally! Thanks to Official Re-volt Discord community for...

  Offroadasis 1
76/100 (7 votes)

Released on September 6, 2024 - This is the first map that i actually made myself using built-in curves in Blender 3.4. This track is about offroading, but its pretty short. Road texture was modified to be infinite and some other textures too... This track wasn't supposed to be the first map that would release due to 16 cars fit issue....