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83/100 (8 votes)

Released on May 8, 2024 - Race around the outskirts of London. 11/10 ...

  Spoinky Doinky 1
83/100 (21 votes)

Released on July 12, 2023 - Race through an experience of a lifetime.10/10 ...

  Tropical Bash
71/100 (10 votes)

Released on July 7, 2023 - Race around two islands and underwater. 9/10 ...

  Ice Peaks Islands
82/100 (12 votes)

Released on July 2, 2023 - Race around the ice peaks islands. 8/10 ...

73/100 (13 votes)

Released on June 19, 2023 - Race through the insides of an anatomically correct human. 7/10 ...

74/100 (12 votes)

Released on June 9, 2023 - Race around a lost game in my mind.6/10 ...

  Ye Oldetown
84/100 (12 votes)

Released on May 25, 2023 - Race around an old town.5/10 ...

89/100 (19 votes)

Released on May 20, 2023 - Race around a village that still uses an aqueduct. 4/10 ...

86/100 (16 votes)

Released on May 14, 2023 - Race around a polish neighbourhood set in Władysławowo.3/10 ...

89/100 (18 votes)

Released on May 10, 2023 - Race around a typical Tuscany neighbourhood.2/10 ...

79/100 (18 votes)

Released on May 8, 2023 - Race around a France countryside! 1/10 ...